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Election Outcome - PACEY reaction

PACEY reaction to election outcome: We must ensure that quality takes centre stage

Liz Bayram, PACEY Chief Executive, said:

"With more investment in childcare to support working families a central theme of this election, PACEY has remained focused on ensuring that the dual importance of tackling childcare costs for families, and supporting high quality care for children is understood by all parties. This will continue to be our focus with the new Conservative government.

"PACEY will push for greater recognition and status for all childcare professionals who remain poorly rewarded for the vital work they do. We will be looking to this new government to put in place the support and investment the sector needs to continuously improve and, through this professional development, rise to the new responsibilities being placed on settings.

"Not only does high quality childcare give children the best start in life and help families balance work and home life, it leads to a more sustainable childcare sector.

"Our priority will be to move the debate purely from issues of cost and accessibility to ensuring that childcare quality takes centre stage. We know that childcare of the highest quality is what makes the most difference to children, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

"We very much look forward to working with our colleagues in the childcare sector, as well as those newly elected MPs set to work on this key issue, to talk to them about the fantastic work our members do every day - and how we can build a sustainable and effective early years sector."