December 2016

Government announces measures to reduce red tape for childcarers

The Government has announced a number of measures to reduce the regulatory burdens faced by the childcare sector, following the publication of the report from the Cutting Red Tape review


Early Years & Childcare Engagement Events in Wales

The Care Council for Wales are working closely with Qualifications Wales to develop a new suite of qualifications for the childcare and early years and sector, which will be ready for delivery in September 2018. 

They are running a series of sector engagement events across Wales in January and PACEY Cymru encourages members in Wales to get involved in this exciting process.


Festive round-up

2016 has been an eventful year. Here at PACEY we wanted to share some of the wonderful things that have happened for us and our members. 


Further Planning for Learning Event in Wales

Following the successful events in September PACEY Cymru are holding a further training event in January, supported by Welsh Government funding, on the theme of `Planning for Learning’ which is open to all members and registered childminders in Wales. 


The beginning of a childminding revival?

Following the publication of the Early Years National Funding Formula (EYNFF) the sector press reported how early years organisations felt, even with the additional government investment, the revised hourly rate still would not be sustainable for settings.


Updates on early years funding

We've published updated FAQs on early years funding rates in England. 


Looked after children and early education

Earlier this month, The Family and Childcare Trust conducted research into looked after children and early education. The new research report, Starting out right: looked after children and early education, is delivered in partnership with the University of Oxford, and funded by the Nuffield Foundation.


Government finalises reforms to early years funding

The Government has published its response to its consultation on the Early Years National Funding Formula (EYNFF), which will change from next year the way that funding for early years education and childcare for 3- and 4-year-olds is allocated from central government to local authorities, and for local authorities to early years providers in England.


Ofsted report: quality in early years increasing but concerns around delivery of funded places

Sir Michael Wilshaw focused on capacity challenges across the education system, as he launched his fifth and final Annual Report as Ofsted’s outgoing Chief Inspector.
