Today Public Health England has launched a major campaign to help children stay well over the winter. The Stay Well This Winter campaign has the biggest flu vaccination programme in England for children.
Children aged 2 to 4 are now able to get the vaccination from their GP, along with children in years one, two and three. Children aged 2 to 17 with long-term health conditions will also receive the vaccine.
You can support parents in your setting by sharing this information and reminding them that they are able to arrange for their child to receive the vaccination from their GP.
As this campaign begins, make sure that your setting's policies and procedures are fully up to date. You should have clear policies and procedures in place to handle illness, and it's worth taking time to make sure that you are aware of what to look out for.
To keep yourself and your setting safe, ensure you talk to parents about their child and the vaccine and underline the importance of sticking to your setting's procedures on accepting children back into the setting after illness. You can also help prevent the spread of flu by teaching children in your setting to use tissues and wash their hands regularly.
Winter brings with it a range of illnesses and it’s important that you are aware of what to do. There are some reminders about infection control in MyPACEY, and being aware of this can help you be confident to express to a parent if you think a child is unwell.