Are you a provider based in Dorset, Leicestershire, North Yorkshire or Tower Hamlets?
The Department for Education (DfE) has announced that from this April, providers based in these four local authority areas in England will able to participate in the 30-hours free childcare trial.
This means that providers in these areas, including childminders, nurseries, pre-schools and schools, will be able to start offering 30-hours of government funded childcare and early education to eligible 3- and 4-year-olds five months early.
The areas were chosen due to their relative demographic and geographic diversity, which will enable the Government to test certain aspects of the delivery of the 30-hour entitlement.
If you are a provider based in one of these four local authorities, we advise you to contact your local authority as soon as possible for more information.
If you have any additional queries, contact PACEY’s policy team