April 2018

30 hours at risk of impacting quality of early years education

The National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) have released a report about how the 30 hours funding is impacting school-based early years providers. 


Urgent action needed to prevent loss of Early Years Teachers

On behalf of our early years members, PACEY and Voice are calling on the Government to take urgent action on the pay and status of Early Years Teachers to prevent the loss of these “talented and dedicated teachers who understand the uniqueness of a child’s early development” from the teaching profession. Read the results and recommendations. 


Challenges facing small childcare providers must be addressed

Today, the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) released their latest report 'Handle with Care: Challenges facing small childcare providers'. Read their full recommendations around the 30 hours funding policy.


Supporting the transition to school

Families all over England have this week been told which school their child will begin at in September. If you're working with children starting school later this year, we have a range of resources to help.


New intergenerational learning scheme for early years settings

A new intergenerational scheme has been unveiled this month, in a bid to improve the emotional wellbeing and development of youngsters in early years settings and care home residents, while also teaching them a second language.


Latest statistics on 30 hours released

The Department for Education (DfE) has released the latest statistics on the number of 30 hours childcare codes issued and validated for the summer term 2018. 


Welsh Government issues update on the Childcare Offer for Wales

Huw Irranca-Davies , the Minister for Children and Social Care for the Welsh Government has issued a Written Statement giving an update on the Childcare Offer for Wales including plans for expansion.


Government publishes outcome of primary assessment consultation in England

The Department for Education has today published the outcome of the consultation on Primary Assessment. Read the full consultation and commitments from the Government. The DfE intends to develop a statutory assessment ready for introduction by autumn 2020. 



More than a Score coalition issues open letter to Government

The More than a Score coalition, a group of early years organisations, researchers and teaching unions has issued an open letter in opposition to the governments plans to introduce Baseline Assessment tests in reception classes.  


DBS checks in Wales

PACEY Cymru have previously shared information on changes to Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Checks in Wales.   Following a meeting with Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) following confusion around the changes in DBS Checks in Wales from April we have received confirmation on a number of issues and have included these in some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s). 
