September 2018

Latest statistics on 30 hours released

The Department for Education (DfE) has released the latest statistics on the number of 30 hours childcare codes issued by 31 August and validated up to 24 September for the autumn term 2018.


The Childcare Offer for Wales one year on

The Welsh Government have published a statement on the Childcare Offer for Wales one year on and also announced plans for further expansion. 


Labour reveals plans to expand 30 hours and increase funding

Childcare was prominently featured in Jeremy Corbyn’s party conference speech today, with a raft of new policies announced concerning the extension of childcare entitlements for 2-, 3- and 4-year-olds and the childcare and early years workforce.


PACEY members celebrate at this year's Nursery World Awards

PACEY members and staff celebrated their success at the weekend at the prestigious Nursery World Awards ceremony. The awards are designed to reward best practice and recognise and celebrate the achievements of early years professionals.


Tax allowance for property and trading income

You can now get up to £1000 each tax year in tax-free allowances for property and trading income. This impacts individuals such as childminders with small amounts of income from providing goods, services, property or other assets. 


PACEY Cymru Training Event - 'Using Welsh in your setting’

Wales events to support the PACEY Cymru are holding events in November to support you with the use of Welsh language in your setting.


Ratings for childcare and play settings. Sgoriau ar gyfer lleoliadau gofal plant a chwarae

Cwlwm are working closely with Care Inspectorate Wales to gather evidence on the implementation of ratings for childcare and play settings.  Mae Cwlwm yn gweithio'n agos gydag Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru i gasglu tystiolaeth ar weithredu'r sgoriau ar gyfer lleoliadau gofal plant a chwarae.


National evaluation on 30 hours in England released

After 30 hours was introduced in September 2017, Department for Education have released an independent evaluation of the first year of the national rollout.


Early education and outcomes to age 4

As part of the longitudinal study of early education and development (SEED), the Department for Education have released research into the impact of early education at ages 2-4 on child outcomes at age 4, and the importance of the early years home environment. 


Early Years and Childcare Managers Forum

Do you want to be part of Social Care Wales' first ever 'Early years and childcare managers forum'? Social Care Wales will be holding its first early years and childcare manager forum in November.
