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Ratings for childcare and play settings. Sgoriau ar gyfer lleoliadau gofal plant a chwarae

Cwlwm are working closely with Care Inspectorate Wales to gather evidence on the implementation of ratings for childcare and play settings.  We are looking for settings who have received a rating from CIW at their latest inspection to complete this short four question survey. 

The findings of this survey will be shared with CIW and Local Authorities to support the ongoing development of ratings and the approach.  The survey is completed anonymously so following completion of this if you have any queries or further thoughts please contact your relevant childcare or play organisation, details of these can be found on the Cwlwm website. You can access the survey by clicking here.

Mae Cwlwm yn gweithio'n agos gydag Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru i gasglu tystiolaeth ar weithredu'r sgoriau ar gyfer lleoliadau gofal plant a chwarae. Rydym am ofyn i leoliadau sydd wedi derbyn sgôr gan AGC yn eu harolygiad diweddaraf i gwblhau'r arolwg byr, pedwar cwestiwn hwn.

Rhennir canfyddiadau'r arolwg hwn gyda AGC ac Awdurdodau Lleol i gefnogi datblygiad parhaus y sgoriau a'r dull gweithredu. Cwblheir yr arolwg yn ddienw felly, ar ôl cwblhau hyn os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau neu unrhyw syniadau pellach, cysylltwch â'ch sefydliad gofal plant neu chwarae perthnasol, cewch fanylion y rhain ar wefan Cwlwm. Gallwch fynd i'r arolwg trwy glicio ar y ddolen yma