November 2019

NEWS: What is the Early Years Census?

This is a statutory collection of data which takes place every January about early years providers that receive government funding for 2-, 3- and 4-year-olds. Providers must complete this by law.


NEWS: Institute for Fiscal Studies analysis of political parties' proposed early years packages

The Institute for Fiscal Studies have today released their analysis of the early years packages from the Labour party and the Liberal Democrats.


NEWS: Number of registered childminders drops by a fifth since 2015

Ofsted figures released today show that the number of registered childminders has fallen by a fifth since 2015.


NEWS: BBC Radio 4 feature on childminding decline

BBC Radio 4's You and Yours programme today featured discussion on the serious decline in the childminding profession. 


NEWS: PACEY's General Election Pledge

With the upcoming UK Parliamentary elections, PACEY is making it clear to all parties that children and families need high quality early education and childcare and that childminders, nurseries and pre-schools can only provide this if they are fully recognised and properly funded.


NEWS: TOTUM PRO student card now available for all PACEY members

We are pleased to announce that all PACEY member's are now entitled to apply for a TOTUM PRO (formerly NUS Extra) card.


NEWS: DfE publishes new stats on childcare and early years providers in England

The Department for Education has published its 2019 survey of childcare and early years providers.


NEWS: Launch of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) approach in Wales / Lansio dull Addysg a Gofal Plentyndod Cynnar (ECEC) yng Nghymru

At an event on 24 October 2019 Mark Drakeford, First Minister of Wales, launched the Welsh Government's plans for an Early Childhood Education and Care approach. / Mewn digwyddiad ar 24 Hydref 2019 lansiodd Mark Drakeford, Prif Weinidog Cymru, gynlluniau Llywodraethau Cymru ar gyfer dull Addysg a Gofal Plentyndod Cynnar.
