October 2019

NEWS: Update on school and LA funding next year confirmed today by DfE

The figures published show how the extra £14 million the Prime Minister previously promised for schools and high needs for the next three years in England will be divided up.


NEWS: EYFS Sector Coalition briefing: responding to the government consultation on the review of the EYFS

Government has today opened its formal consultation on the changes it proposes to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework and the EYFS coalition has responded. The consultation closes at 11:45pm on 31 January 2020.


NEWS: Brexit ‘No Deal’ Guidance for home-based childcare settings in Wales / Canllawiau ar Brexit ‘Heb Gytundeb’ i leoliadau gofal plant yn y cartref yng Nghymru

To help you prepare for how Brexit may Welsh Government are keen for the childcare and early years sector to consider how this may impact on settings. PACEY Cymru have put together some points for you to consider. / Er mwyn eich helpu i baratoi ar gyfer Brexit, mae Llywodraeth Cymru’n awyddus i’r sector gofal plant a’r blynyddoedd cynnar ystyried sut y gall effeithio ar leoliadau. Mae PACEY Cymru wedi nodi rhai pwyntiau i’w hystyried.


NEWS: 21st century childminding

Thank you so much if you were one of the thousands of people who responded to the survey, spoke to our researchers, or took part in focus groups.


NEWS: 2019 EYFSP results in England continue to show limited progress

The Department for Education has published a summary of the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile results in England in 2019. The EYFS profile (EYFSP) summarises and describes children's attainment at the end of the EYFS, usually in reception.


NEWS: Universal Credit updates from October 2019

From October, there are two key changes taking place, one to childcare payments and the other to the amount that can be deducted from your payments.


Ofsted webinar for childminders: what do inspectors look for?

Ofsted held a webinar specifically for childminders on 30 September 2019 about what inspectors will look for under the Education Inspection Framework (EIF) in England. If you missed the webinar you can now view it online.
