September 2019

PACEY members celebrate at the Nursery World Awards 2019

PACEY members celebrated their success at the weekend at the prestigious Nursery World Awards ceremony. The awards are designed to reward best practice and recognise and celebrate the achievements of early years professionals.


Celebration event to welcome new qualifications / Digwyddiad i ddathlu cymwysterau newydd

The official launch of the new qualifications for the childcare and early years workforce in Wales took place today.  Digwyddodd lansiad swyddogol y cymwysterau newydd ar gyfer y sector gofal plant yng Nghymru heddiw


Social Care Wales The Accolades 2020 / Y Gwobrau 2020 Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru

The Accolades are back and Social Care Wales are now accepting entries and nominations / Mae'r Gwobrau yn ôl ac mae Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru nawr yn derbyn ceisiadau ac enwebiadau


Childcare Grant / Grant Gofal Plant

The Welsh Government is launching a Childcare Grant to facilitate the creation of additional flexible childcare places throughout Wales. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn lansio Grant Gofal Plant er mwyn helpu i greu llefydd gofal plant hyblyg ychwanegol ledled Cymru.


CIW Self Assessment of Service Statement / AGC Datganiadau Hunanasesu Gwasanaeth

In early 2020 CIW will be asking childcare and play providers to use their online accounts to submit a Self Assessment of Service Statement (SASS). / Yn gynnar yn 2020, bydd AGC yn gofyn i ddarparwyr gofal plant a chwarae ddefnyddio eu cyfrifon ar-lein i gyflwyno Datganiadau Hunanasesu Gwasanaeth.


Renewed push to end reception baseline assessments in England

Since Nick Gibb’s new early years responsibilities have been announced there has been renewed support to sign a petition to block Reception Baseline Assessments (RBA).


Care Inspectorate Wales Annual Report / Adroddiad Blynyddol Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru

CIW have published their Annual Report for 2018-2019. The report contains an insight into the registration, regulation and inspection of childcare and play settings across Wales. / Mae AGC wedi cyhoeddi eu Hadroddiad Blynyddol ar gyfer 2018-2019. Mae'r adroddiad yn cynnwys mewnwelediad i gofrestru, rheoleiddio ac arolygu gofal plant a lleoliadau chwarae ledled Cymru.


PACEY responds to The National Audit's value-for-money study

The National Audit is currently carrying out a value-for-money study on the Department for Education’s entitlements to early education and childcare in England which PACEY has given a response to. 


Schools Minister Nick Gibb to take on early years

The Department for Education has announced that Nick Gibb MP, the current minister for schools and standards will be taking on early education policy and childcare. 


Workload Advisory Group update

Read our update on PACEY's involvement in the Department for Education and Ofsted’s joint initiative on tackling excessive workload in the early year’s sector.
