12 August 2020
Darllenwch hyn yn Gymraeg yma. Read this in Welsh here
Funding of over £4 million has been announced today by the Welsh Government to support childcare providers affected by COVID-19 and who have been unable to access other business support schemes.
Julie Morgan MS, Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services and Jane Hutt MS, Deputy Minister and Chief Whip have today launched a Childcare Providers Grant that will provide dedicated support for the childcare sector in Wales. Julie Morgan has also sent a letter to childcare providers, commending your response to the pandemic and encouraging settings to re-open for the autumn term.
Key points of the Childcare Providers Grant are:
- The grant is available to registered childcare settings who have been unable to access other business support schemes offered by the UK and Welsh Governments. This includes the Self Employed Income Support Scheme.
- This is a one-off grant to provide financial assistance for CIW-registered childcare businesses which have experienced a reduction in net income as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak
- Applications for the scheme will open on 24 August and the scheme will close on 31 October 2020.
- The first payments will be made to providers in September via their local authority.
Please see the eligibility list in the recent press announcement. Further details, application forms and guidance to be published next week.
PACEY Cymru will share updates on this and the process to be followed.
Cyhoeddwyd cyllid o dros £ 4 miliwn heddiw gan Lywodraeth Cymru i gefnogi darparwyr gofal plant sydd eu effeithio gan COVID-19 sydd wedi methu â manteisio ar unrhyw gynlluniau cymorth busnes eraill.
Heddiw, mae Julie Morgan AS, Dirprwy Weinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Jane Hutt AS, Dirprwy Weinidog a Phrif Chwip wedi lansio Grant Darparwyr Gofal Plant a fydd yn darparu cefnogaeth bwrpasol i'r sector gofal plant yng Nghymru. Mae Julie Morgan hefyd wedi anfon llythyr at ddarparwyr gofal plant, yn canmol eich ymateb i'r pandemig ac yn annog lleoliadau i ailagor ar gyfer tymor yr hydref.
Pwyntiau allweddol y Grant Darparwyr Gofal Plant yw:
- Mae'r grant ar gael i leoliadau gofal plant cofrestredig nad ydynt wedi gallu cyrchu cynlluniau cymorth busnes eraill a gynigir gan Lywodraethau'r DU a Chymru. Mae hyn yn cynnwys y Cynllun Cymorth Incwm Hunangyflogedig.
- Grant untro i ddarparu cymorth ariannol i fusnesau gofal plant sydd wedi'u cofrestru gan AGC sydd wedi profi gostyngiad mewn incwm net o ganlyniad i'r achosion o COVID-19
- Bydd ceisiadau am y cynllun yn agor ar 24 Awst a bydd y cynllun yn cau ar 31 Hydref 2020.
- Gwneir y taliadau cyntaf i ddarparwyr ym mis Medi trwy eu hawdurdod lleol.
Gweler y rhestr cymhwysedd yn y cyhoeddiad diweddar i'r wasg. Cyhoeddir manylion pellach, ffurflenni cais ac arweiniad yr wythnos nesaf.
Bydd PACEY Cymru yn rhannu diweddariadau ar hyn a'r broses i'w dilyn.