July 2020

NEWS: New rules for family and friends to meet outdoors in Wales/Rheolau newydd i deulu a ffrindiau gwrdd yn yr awyr agored

New rules will come into force on Monday to make it easier for family and friends to meet outdoors, First Minister Mark Drakeford announced today.


NEWS: CMA releases consumer law guidance for the early years

Since the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) launched their investigation into the early years sector at the end of April, PACEY has worked closely with the CMA who have have now issued an open letter to the sector as well as published guidance on Covid-19 restrictions and consumer law advice for nurseries and early years settings.


NEWS: CIW "approach to recovery" plans announced / Cyhoeddi cynlluniau "dull o adfer" AGC

As the spread of COVID-19 slows, Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) have today announced their COVID-19 approach to recovery as they move from response to recovery phase from 31 July 2020. / Wrth i ymlediad COVID-19 arafu, mae Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru (AGC) heddiw wedi cyhoeddi eu COVID-19: dull o adfer wrth iddynt symud o'r ymateb i'r cyfnod adfer o 31 Gorffennaf 2020.


NEWS: New guidance issued to LAs in England regarding funding entitlements

The Department for Education in England has issued new guidance to local authorities confirming that its current commitment to continue to fund early education entitlements at pre-pandemic levels will continue now until the end of the Autumn term in December.


NEWS: Children's Commissioner outlines Best Beginnings

Children's Commissioner for England, Anne Longfield, OBE, has today published her report, Best Beginnings, which looks at the provision of early years services across the country.


NEWS: PACEY submits evidence to the women and equalities committee's inquiry

As part of The Women and Equalities Committee's inquiries, PACEY has responded to one of the sub-inquiries, 'Unequal impact? Coronavirus and the gendered economic impact'. Read our full submission.


NEWS: 'Back to school' plans announced in Wales/Cyhoeddi cynlluniau ar gyfer mynd yn ôl i'r ysgol yng Nghymru

The Education Minister, Kirsty Williams, has today confirmed that all pupils will be able to return to school in September in Wales.  Heddiw mae’r Gweinidog Addysg, Kirsty Williams, wedi cadarnhau y bydd pob disgybl yn gallu dywchwelyd i'r ysgol ym mis Medi.



NEWS: Safeguarding guidance for Wales/Canllawiau diogelu ar gyfer Cymru

The Welsh Government has produced a non-statutory guide to remind practitioners of their responsibilities to safeguard children.   Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi llunio'r canllawiau anstatudol i atgoffa ymarferwyr o'u cyfrifoldebau i ddiogelu plant.


NEWS: PACEY responds to Chancellor's summer statement

While we welcome a number of the Chancellor’s announcements in his summer statement, not least the help for young people, we are acutely concerned about the total absence of any mention of early years and childcare.


NEWS: PACEY receives funding to continue to support the sector in England through recovery

Thanks to funding from the Department for Education, PACEY will be able to provide more support and advice to childminders, pre-schools and nurseries in England as they recover from the pandemic and try to support more families to bring their children back to their early education place.
