June 2020

NEWS: Welsh Government announce grant support/Llywodraeth Cymru yn cyhoeddi cymorth grant

First Minister Mark Drakeford has announced a start-up grant to support new businesses in Wales dealing with the severe impact of Coronavirus.  Mae Mark Drakeford y Prif Weinidog wedi cyhoeddi grant i gefnogi busnesau newydd yng Nghymru i ddelio gydag effaith ddifrifol y Coronafirws


NEWS: Introduction of reception baseline assessment delayed

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the government have delayed the introduction of the new reception baseline assessment this autumn to 2021.


NEWS: Launch of EY smart in Wales / Lansio EY smart yng Nghymru

Launching in Wales today, EY smart focuses on upcoming changes and new guidance in Wales.  Yn lansio yng Nghymru heddiw, mae EY smart yn canolbwyntio ar newidiadau sydd ar ddod a chanllawiau newydd yng Nghymru.


NEWS: PM announces changes to lockdown restrictions in England

Today, the Prime Minister has announced a number of changes to lockdown restrictions in England which will take effect from 4 July.


NEWS: Wales confirms wider re-opening of childcare from 22 June

Welsh Government have today confirmed that childcare settings in Wales are able to re-open more widely from the 22 June, one week earlier than previously stated. Heddiw mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cadarnhau bod lleoliadau gofal plant yng Nghymru yn gallu ailagor yn ehangach o'r 22 Mehefin - wythnos yn gynharach na'r hyn a nodwyd yn flaenorol.


NEWS: PACEY calls on sector to raise concerns after under 5s are excluded from new funding

PACEY is calling on the sector in England to raise their concerns direct with the Prime Minister about the exclusion of children under 5 from new funding announcement today.


NEWS: PM announces £1bn for schools, but early years misses out again

The Prime Minister will today announce a £1bn fund to help schools in England support children to catch up with learning they've missed through the forced closure of schools due to the Coronavirus pandemic.


NEWS: PACEY sharing members' experiences as DfE and Ofsted reflect on next steps

This week PACEY has attended a number of meetings as part of ongoing discussions in England with the Department for Education (DfE), HMT and Ofsted. We have been sharing members’ experiences during the first few weeks of re-opening and raising a number of issues that have implications for how current guidance may need to change in the coming weeks.


NEWS: Local authority updates from the Department for Education

Since the beginning of June, the government has encouraged early years childcare providers in England to welcome back all children. This week, the Department for Education (DfE) has provided all local authorities in England with a number of updates in regards to financial support and ongoing funding. Please be aware that LAs can continue to implement local area variation.


NEWS: PACEY meets with CMA to discuss their ongoing cancellations and refunds investigation

Today PACEY, NDNA (National Day Nurseries Association) and the Scottish Childminding Association (SCMA) held a joint meeting with the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to discuss their current investigation into the complaints they have received from parents, regarding cancellations and refunds in the childcare sector during the COVID-19 forced closure of registered childcare settings.
