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NEWS: PACEY writes to Chancellor about concern for self-employed

As part of our ongoing work to push for more financial support for the early years sector, in particular, for self-employed childminders, PACEY has written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP expressing key concerns. 

The letter includes initial findings from our COVID-19 closure survey launched on Monday. Over 6000 childminders have so far responded. Of those:

  • 96% are sole traders
  • 55% are partially open – of those 96% are providing childcare only to vulnerable children and the children of key workers
  • 45% are totally closed

"We must not overlook the need to ensure that 40,000 childminders are there and ready to resume their vital work when normal life returns and the economy begins to recover. To do that they need urgent financial help, now."

Read the full letter.