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NEWS: Additional Q&As on isolation for childminders in England

The Department for Education has published additional Q&As for childminders in England around the changes to isolation rules that came into effect yesterday. 

In the new Q&A document the DfE clarifies that a childminder cannot care for children in their house if someone in the household has coronavirus symptoms or a positive test, even if the childminder is fully vaccinated. However, childminders can continue to look after children from other premises – e.g. other domestic premises or approved non-domestic premises.

If the childminder's household member is a close contact of a positive case and does not have symptoms or a positive test, the childminding setting can open. However the household member who is isolating must not have any contact with the children attending the childminding setting. 

You can view the full document here.

PACEY coronavirus resources

We have developed a helpful new scenario chart for PACEY members to explain the isolation rules in England. You can also check our updated coronavirus guidance where you’ll find an updated coronavirus risk assessment resource and our new outbreak management plan. All of these are free for you to download as a member, helping you demonstrate to your families you have everything in place to manage any future cases.