June 2022

NEWS: Ofsted figures show continued decline in providers in England

Yesterday Ofsted published its latest statistics on early years and childcare providers in England showing a continued decline in numbers. 


NEWS: Positive parenting summer roadshows / Sioeau teithiol

Just three months since physical punishment of children became illegal a series of parenting information roadshows will visit locations across Wales between June and September 2022. Tri mis yn unig ers i gosbi plant yn gorfforol ddod yn anghyfreithlon, bydd cyfres o sioeau teithiol sy’n rhoi gwybodaeth am fagu plant yn ymweld â lleoliadau ledled Cymru rhwng mis Mehefin a mis Medi 2022. 


NEWS: PACEY supports BBC JoJo & Gran Gran Summer episode

We are thrilled to share that #TeamPACEY and PACEY Advisor, Pat Tomlinson reviewed and gave feedback to the BBC on content for JoJo and Gran Gran episode, 'It's Time to Meet a New Baby'.


NEWS: Royal Foundation Centre For Early Childhood unveils new research on early years perceptions

Today (16 June), one year on from the launch of The Royal Foundation Centre For Early Childhood, it has unveiled the findings from its latest research looking into public perceptions of early childhood in England.


NEWS: Applying for the Early Years Leadership NPQ in England

Further instructions on how to apply for the new Early Years Leadership NPQ which is fully funded for practitioners in England.


NEWS: Government in England to ‘make it easier to be a childminder’  

In a speech on Housing and Cost of Living the Prime Minister briefly mentioned plans to look into changes for the early years and childcare sector, including 'making it easier' to be a childminder. 


NEWS: Publication of Anti-racist Wales Action Plan / Cynllun Gweithredu Cymru Wrth-hiliaeth

The Welsh Government have published their Anti-racist Wales Action Plan that sets out the action they will take to make Wales an Anti-racist nation.  Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyhoeddi ei Chynllun Gweithredu Cymru Wrth-hiliaeth sy'n nodi'r camau y byddant yn eu cymryd i wneud Cymru yn genedl wrth-hiliol.


NEWS: Self Assessment of Service Statement (SASS) update Wales/Datganiad Hunanasesu Gwasanaeth

Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) is postponing the requirement to submit a Self-Assessment of Service Statement (SASS) until 2023.  Mae Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru (AGC) yn gohirio’r gofyniad i gyflwyno Datganiad Hunanasesu Gwasanaeth tan 2023


NEWS: Take PACEY's survey on mental health and wellbeing

PACEY is carrying out a survey of early years and childcare practitioners in England and Wales around mental health and wellbeing.
