March 2022

NEWS: Government publishes next steps for Living with COVID

The Government in England has announced the upcoming changes in its plan for Living with COVID-19. From tomorrow, (Friday 1 April) new guidance will come into force in England with updated advice around COVID-19 testing.  


NEWS: Together for Twos project highlights

PACEY has been delivering the Department for Education funded Together for Two Project in England for the past 4 years, as the project ends, we wanted to share just some of the highlights!


News: Childminders and COVID-19 in Wales/Gwarchodwyr plant a COVID-19

An update in relation to the position around childminding settings and positive COVID-19 cases in Wales.  Diweddariad mewn perthynas â'r sefyllfa o amgylch lleoliadau gwarchod plant ac achosion positif o COVID-19 yng Nghymru.


NEWS: Children and Families Minister calls for early years nominations for Queen’s honours

The Minister for Children and Families, Will Quince MP has written a letter to all those working in the early years and childcare sector.  


NEWS: Government should provide funding for equal access to nature for children

PACEY has been working with Nature Premium as part of their ongoing campaign to ensure that children's access to nature is part of the government strategy. Read more about their latest findings.


NEWS: The voice of childminders changes government guidance in England

From today, as confirmed by DfE, childminders in England will no longer need to close if someone in the childminder’s household has tested positive or has COVID-19 symptoms, the childminder can continue to childmind at home. A huge thank you to all our PACEY members who took the time to help us with this campaign, write and tweet their local MP.


NEWS: Flying Start expanded in Wales/Ehangu'r rhaglen Dechrau'n Deg

In the first phase of the extension of high-quality childcare to all two-year olds in Wales, the Flying Start programme is being expanded to 2,500 more children under the age of four.  Mae'r rhaglen Dechrau'n Deg yn cael ei ehangu i 2,500 mwy o blant o dan bedair oed fel rhan o'r cam cyntaf yn y gwaith o ehangu gofal plant o ansawdd uchel i bob plentyn dwy oed yng Nghymru.


NEWS: Independent Review of Childminding in Wales/Adolygiad Annibynnol o Warchod Plant

Following the raising of issues and views by PACEY Cymru in relation to the decline of childminding in Wales and the factors impacting on this Welsh Government has confirmed that an independent review of childminding in Wales will take place in 2022.  Yn dilyn codi materion a safbwyntiau gan PACEY Cymru mewn perthynas â’r dirywiad mewn gwarchod plant yng Nghymru a’r ffactorau sy’n effeithio ar hyn, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cadarnhau y bydd adolygiad annibynnol o warchod plant yng Nghymru yn cael ei gynnal yn 2022.


NEWS: PACEY continues to push for updated childminder guidance in England

Disappointingly, two weeks on from our initial call we are still yet to see any flexibility in the Department for Education’s COVID-19 guidance for childminders in England. As it currently stands, childminders who have a positive case in their household still have to close their setting with no access to financial support, if they are unable to operate elsewhere. 


NEWS: Launch of PACEY Cymru's Inspiring Environments toolkit in Wales / Lansio pecyn cymorth Amgylcheddau Ysbrydoledig

PACEY Cymru's Inspiring Environments toolkit was launched today in a virtual launch event attended by members and key stakeholders in Wales. Lansiwyd pecyn cymorth Ysbrydoli Amgylcheddau PACEY Cymru heddiw mewn digwyddiad lansio rhithwir a fynychwyd gan aelodau a rhanddeiliaid allweddol yng Nghymru. 
