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NEWS: Latest updates from Ofsted

1. Ofsted Curriculum Roadshows

Ofsted is running a series of free Education Inspection Framework (EIF) curriculum roadshows for Early Years settings, including childminders. These events will be held in Spring Term 2023, in locations across the country.

The half-day events will offer the opportunity to learn more about how Ofsted looks at language and communication at inspection and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Two representatives from each setting are welcome to attend. Each person attending will need to register separately.

Please click on the links for registration to each event:

Ofsted has acknowledged that the timings may not be suitable for registered childminders to attend in person, and has released a recording of the webinar available to watch on YouTube

2. Guidance around inspections

Ofsted has also made updates to its ‘myth busting’ pages containing new and updated Q&As around EIF inspections and the EYFS.These guidance documents should be read alongside the early years inspection handbook

Read the summary of changes which outlines the new and amended questions. 

3. Ofsted's Early Years Blog

Ofsted has also published its latest blog this week: What do I need to do to prepare for my Early Years Inspection? written by Wendy Ratcliff, Principal Officer for Early Education at Ofsted. You can hear more from Wendy in our recent PACEY Live webinar, available exclusively for PACEY members.