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Update on National Minimum Standards in Wales / Diweddariad ar y Safonau Gofynnol Cenedlaethol

Darllenwch hyn yn Gymraeg yma.  Read this in Welsh here

Welsh Government have published a summary of responses to the consultation launched last year about proposed changes to the National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare for children up to the age of 12.

In a statement, Julie Morgan MS, Deputy Minister for Social Services stated;

‘I am pleased to publish a summary of responses to the consultation I launched last year about proposed changes to the National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare for children up to the age of 12.

The consultation’s main aim was to respond to recommendations from a review of the national minimum standards in 2019. There were a number of areas where clarification and further guidance was needed, for example, in areas such as first aid and safeguarding training.  

The national minimum standards help ensure children and families have access to childcare and play experiences, which are of a high quality and provide children with opportunities to play, learn, socialise, and grow as individuals.

Care Inspectorate Wales take these standards into account when inspecting registered childcare and play work providers. 

The summary of responses shows the proposals were broadly supported by respondents.

However, in light of the current cost-of-living challenges and impact these changes may have on the childcare and play sector, I have asked my officials to engage with our partners, including local authorities, childcare and play umbrella organisations in Wales, to explore how to address implementation.

I intend to publish a refreshed version of the national minimum standards later in 2023. These will be kept under review. 

I want to thank everyone who responded to this consultation, their views are a key part of shaping the standards to remain relevant and fit for purpose.’

The summary of responses reflects the comments made by PACEY Cymru in our formal consultation response following engagement with members on key themes and topics.  We continue to work closely with Welsh Government and other key partners and stakeholders in relation to this.

We will keep members posted of any further developments in relation to this.


Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyhoeddi crynodeb o’r ymatebion i’r ymgynghoriad a lansiwyd y llynedd ynghylch y newidiadau arfaethedig i’r Safonau Gofynnol Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Gofal Plant a Reoleiddir i blant hyd at 12 oed.

Mewn datganiad, dywedodd Julie Morgan AS, y Dirprwy Weinidog dros Wasanaethau Cymdeithasol;

‘Mae’n bleser gennyf gyhoeddi crynodeb o’r ymatebion i’r ymgynghoriad a lansiwyd gennyf y llynedd ynghylch y newidiadau arfaethedig i’r Safonau Gofynnol Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Gofal Plant a Reoleiddir i blant hyd at 12 oed.

Prif nod yr ymgynghoriad oedd ymateb i argymhellion a wnaed yn sgil adolygiad o’r safonau gofynnol cenedlaethol yn 2019. Roedd angen eglurhad a chyfarwyddyd pellach mewn nifer o feysydd, er enghraifft, mewn meysydd fel cymorth cyntaf a hyfforddiant diogelu.

Mae’r safonau gofynnol cenedlaethol yn helpu i sicrhau bod plant a theuluoedd yn cael mynediad at brofiadau gofal plant a chwarae, sydd o ansawdd uchel ac yn rhoi cyfleoedd i blant chwarae, dysgu, cymdeithasu, a thyfu fel unigolion.

Mae Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru yn ystyried y safonau hyn wrth arolygu darparwyr gofal plant a gwaith chwarae cofrestredig.

Mae’r crynodeb o’r ymatebion yn dangos y cafwyd cefnogaeth gyffredinol i’r cynigon gan yr ymatebwyr.

Fodd bynnag, yn sgil yr heriau costau byw presennol a’r effaith y gallai’r newidiadau hyn ei chael ar y sector gofal plant a chwarae, rwyf wedi gofyn i fy swyddogion drafod y sefyllfa gyda’n partneriaid - mae’r rhain yn cynnwys awdurdodau lleol a sefydliadau gofal plant a chwarae ymbarél yng Nghymru - a hynny i ystyried sut i fynd ati i weithredu.

Rwy’n bwriadu cyhoeddi fersiwn ddiwygiedig o’r safonau gofynnol cenedlaethol yn ddiweddarach yn 2023. Bydd y rhain yn cael eu hadolygu’n gyson.

Hoffwn ddiolch i bawb a ymatebodd i’r ymgynghoriad hwn, mae eu barn yn chwarae rhan allweddol wrth lunio’r safonau fel eu bod yn parhau’n berthnasol ac yn addas i’w diben.’

Mae'r crynodeb o'r ymatebion yn adlewyrchu'r sylwadau a wnaed gan PACEY Cymru yn ein hymateb ffurfiol i'r ymgynghoriad yn dilyn ymgysylltu ag aelodau ar themâu a phynciau allweddol. Rydym yn parhau i weithio’n agos gyda Llywodraeth Cymru a phartneriaid a rhanddeiliaid allweddol eraill mewn perthynas â hyn.

Byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i aelodau am unrhyw ddatblygiadau pellach wrth i'r rhain gael eu cadarnhau.