BLOG: PACEY's festive roundup 2022

After a tumultuous couple of years, we all entered 2022 hoping for a much calmer year! In this blog we reflect on the key achievements of 2022 and how you as PACEY members continue to inspire us every day with your dedication to the children and families you support.


Posted by Rose Porter, Marketing Executive at PACEY | with 0 comments

BLOG: Paying at least the National Minimum Wage isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s the law.

Although calculating wages using the National Minimum Wage (NMW) hourly rate may seem straightforward, there are several pitfalls that an employer can fall into without realising. Gary Davies from the NMW team at HMRC explains the importance of understanding the rules and where to look for more guidance and support to help you get it right.


Posted by Gary Davies, Senior Executive Officer, HMRC | with 0 comments

BLOG: Building strong foundations for phonics through music

Read our latest blog with Boogie Mites around how boosting music provision in pre-school settings and homes builds strong foundations for children's learning. 


Posted by Sue Newman, Boogie Mites UK | with 0 comments

BLOG: Battling increased costs – top tips to help practitioners running their business

PACEY is working hard behind the scenes lobbying Government to urgently address the impacts that the cost-of-living crisis is having on our sector. In the meantime, we want to share some smaller-scale solutions that can help you to cut back on costs and be more confident in managing your finances.


Posted by Rose Porter, Marketing Executive at PACEY | with 0 comments

BLOG: PACEY Practitioner Insurance – a detailed look

This blog looks at PACEY Practitioner Insurance, provided by Childcare Insurance Services (CIS) and included in PACEY Practitioner membership for childminders and nannies*


Posted by Dan Weir, Research Analyst, Childcare Insurance Services (CIS) | with 0 comments

BLOG: Spotting and responding to the signs of harmful sexual behaviour

Carmel Glassbrook, Project Lead for the Harmful Sexual Behaviour Support Service at the charity SWGfL outlines how to recognise and respond to the signs of harmful sexual behaviour in young children in your care. 


Posted by Carmel Glassbrook, Project Lead for the Harmful Sexual Behaviour Support Service, SWGfL | with 0 comments

Blog: Transition to school bilingual resources/Adnoddau dwyieithog pontio i'r ysgol

Braint Rees, PACEY Cymru Welsh language co-ordinator shares her experiences and ideas for incorporating the Welsh language as you support children in their transition to school and how books and digital resources can support with this.  Braint Rees, Cydlynydd y Gymraeg PACEY Cymru, yn rhannu ei phrofiadau a’i syniadau ar gyfer gwreiddio'r Gymraeg wrth i chi gefnogi plant yn eu cyfnod pontio i’r ysgol a sut y gall llyfrau ac adnoddau digidol gefnogi hyn.


Posted by Braint Rees | with 0 comments

BLOG: The power of books and reading

Children's reading and creative literacy consultant Ben O'Donnell talks about the impact that books have had on his life and why books can be so powerful for children. You can also join Ben and legendary poet and author Michael Rosen for the next PACEY Live (free for members).


Posted by Ben O'Donnell, Children's reading and creative literacy consultant | with 0 comments

BLOG: What's in a name?

A child's name is often the first thing that they learn to recognise in an early years education setting so getting it right is important for practioners. We spoke to Rosalind Millam, an author and freelance consultant, about the importance of recognising the cultural and personal impact of getting a child's name correct.


Posted by Rosalind Millam, Freelance Trainer, Consultant and Author | with 0 comments

BLOG: An introduction to public liability insurance

With more than 40 years' supporting childcare and early years professionals, you can be sure that PACEY membership is by your side with everything you need to build your business, and feel protected and reassured. As a PACEY member we know how important the safety net of insurance is. In this blog we discuss the insurance included in membership and how it can help power your practice.


Posted by Dan Weir, Research Analyst, CIS | with 0 comments