Local authorities and partners in Wales / Awdurdodau lleol a phartneriaid yng Nghymru

Darllenwch hyn yn Gymraeg yma.  Read this in Welsh here

PACEY Cymru offers a range of services to help local authorities and our partners in Wales meet the needs of the early years and childcare sector.

PACEY Cymru is keen to work in partnership with Local Authority Childcare Teams, Family Information Services, and staff for Job Centre Plus, Communities for Work, Colleges and other organisations to raise the awareness of childminding as a career and childcare choice.

PACEY Cymru would welcome the opportunity to deliver awareness raising sessions with staff, to attend events and careers fairs, or to help with queries from individuals who may be interested in taking the next steps to becoming a childminder. For more information call us on 02920 351407 or email us at paceycymru@pacey.org.uk.

Please see a range of leaflets, posters, videos and resources which are available for you to use to promote becoming a childminder, nanny or working in childcare and play as a career choice. You will also find resources and information to support parents in their search for high quality childcare, and available childcare funding. See the range of resources here: Promotion leaflets and resources.

Free strategic support for local authorities

PACEY Cymru receives funding from the Welsh Government to provide free strategic support to local authorities in Wales. Local authorities can use their free "Core Offer" of strategic support for help with:

  • Attendance at childcare partnership meetings or other strategic level meetings, including meetings relating to the Childcare Offer and the Capital Grants.
  • Support with reporting on Childcare Sufficiency Audits (CSAs).
  • Research for the local authority on a particular element of childcare.
  • Advice to the local authority on supporting the development of childminding.
  • Input into consultations within the local authority.
  • Promotion, advice and support sessions for strategic-level staff.
  • Consultancy support.

Please contact your local Regional Manager or PACEY Cymru for more information on the support we could deliver to your local authority.

PACEY Connect Cymru

PACEY Connect offers flexible services and packages which can help local authorities to support childcare and early years practitioners to raise their professionalism and provide high quality childcare.

Local authorities can purchase PACEY Connect services on behalf of childcare and early years professionals in their area, or nationally across Wales. Discover more about PACEY Connect Cymru.

Training with PACEY Cymru

PACEY is an accredited centre for City and Guilds and we also provide a wide range of continuous professional development workshops and webinars. These are ideal for local authorities to buy to meet the training needs of childcare and early years professionals. Read more about our workshops and webinars for Wales.

We can also work with local authorities to create bespoke training courses and workshops to meet specific local training and support needs. Contact PACEY Cymru today to find out more about how we can support your training delivery commitments.

Mae PACEY Cymru yn cynnig amrywiaeth o wasanaethau i helpu awdurdodau lleol a’n partneriaid yng Nghymru i ddiwallu anghenion y sector blynyddoedd cynnar a gofal plant.

Mae PACEY Cymru yn awyddus i weithio mewn partneriaeth â Thimau Gofal Plant yr Awdurdod Lleol, Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth i Deuluoedd, a staff y Ganolfan Byd Gwaith, Cymunedau am Waith, PaCE, Colegau a sefydliadau eraill i godi ymwybyddiaeth o warchod plant fel dewis gyrfa a gofal plant.

Byddai PACEY Cymru yn croesawu’r cyfle i gyflwyno sesiynau codi ymwybyddiaeth gyda staff, mynychu digwyddiadau a ffeiriau gyrfaoedd, neu i helpu gydag ymholiadau gan unigolion a allai fod â diddordeb mewn cymryd y camau nesaf i ddod yn warchodwr plant. Am ragor o wybodaeth ffoniwch ni ar 02920 351407 neu anfonwch e-bost atom yn paceycymru@pacey.org.uk.

Gweler ystod o daflenni, posteri, fideos ac adnoddau sydd ar gael i chi eu defnyddio i hyrwyddo dod yn warchodwr plant, nani neu weithio ym maes gofal plant a chwarae fel dewis gyrfa. Byddwch hefyd yn dod o hyd i adnoddau a gwybodaeth i gefnogi rhieni wrth iddynt chwilio am ofal plant o ansawdd uchel, a'r cyllid gofal plant sydd ar gael. Gweler yr ystod o adnoddau yma: Taflenni ac adnoddau hyrwyddo.

Cymorth strategol am ddim i awdurdodau lleol

Mae PACEY Cymru yn derbyn arian gan Lywodraeth Cymru i ddarparu cymorth strategol am ddim i awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru. Gall awdurdodau lleol ddefnyddio eu "Cynnig Craidd" am ddim o gymorth strategol i helpu gyda:

  • Mynychu cyfarfodydd partneriaeth gofal plant neu gyfarfodydd lefel strategol eraill, gan gynnwys cyfarfodydd yn ymwneud â'r Cynnig Gofal Plant a'r Grantiau Cyfalaf.
  • Cymorth i adrodd ar Archwiliadau Digonolrwydd Gofal Plant.
  • Ymchwil i'r awdurdod lleol ar elfen benodol o ofal plant.
  • Cyngor i'r awdurdod lleol ar gefnogi datblygiad gwarchod plant.
  • Cyfrannu at ymgynghoriadau o fewn yr awdurdod lleol.
  • Sesiynau hyrwyddo, cynghori a chymorth ar gyfer staff lefel strategol.
  • Cymorth ymgynghori.

Cysylltwch â'ch  Rheolwr Rhanbarthol lleol neu PACEY Cymru  i gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y cymorth y gallem ei roi i'ch awdurdod lleol.

PACEY Cyswllt Cymru

Mae PACEY Cyswllt yn cynnig gwasanaethau a phecynnau hyblyg a all helpu awdurdodau lleol i gefnogi gofal plant ac ymarferwyr blynyddoedd cynnar i wella eu proffesiynoldeb a darparu gofal plant o ansawdd uchel.

Gall awdurdodau lleol brynu gwasanaethau PACEY Cyswllt ar ran gweithwyr gofal plant a gweithwyr proffesiynol y blynyddoedd cynnar yn eu hardal, neu'n genedlaethol ledled Cymru. Dysgwch fwy am PACEY Cyswllt Cymru.

Hyfforddiant gyda PACEY Cymru

Mae PACEY Cymru yn ganolfan achrededig ar gyfer City and Guilds ac rydym hefyd yn darparu ystod eang o weithdai a gweminarau datblygiad proffesiynol parhaus. Mae'r rhain yn ddelfrydol i awdurdodau lleol eu prynu i ddiwallu anghenion hyfforddi gweithwyr gofal plant a gweithwyr proffesiynol y blynyddoedd cynnar. Darllenwch fwy am ein gweithdai a'n gweminarau i Gymru.

Gallwn hefyd weithio gydag awdurdodau lleol i greu cyrsiau hyfforddi a gweithdai pwrpasol i ddiwallu anghenion hyfforddi a chymorth lleol penodol. Cysylltwch â PACEY Cymru heddiw i gael gwybod mwy am sut y gallwn gefnogi eich ymrwymiadau i ddarparu hyfforddiant.