Helping parents/carers understand the Childcare Offer for Wales / Helpu rhieni/gofalwyr i ddeall Cynnig Gofal Plant Cymru
Darllenwch hwn yn Gymraeg yma.
PACEY Cymru have outlined below some information that may help you explain the funded childcare offer to parents.
Childcare options
There is information on the Welsh Government website for parents/carers on childcare options available to them, what benefits they could receive and the Childcare Offer for Wales
Parents will find it useful to contact their local family information service to see what their local authority guidelines are.
There are a number of benefits parents may be entitled to some of which are outlined below:
- The Childcare offer for Wales
- Tax-free childcare
- Tax Credits
- Universal Credit
- Childcare vouchers
- Flying Start
Childcare Calculator
The government's childcare calculator is a simple tool for parents to check what help they could get with childcare costs. They will need information about them and their partner (if they have one), including:
- how much they spend on childcare
- any benefits they or their child get
- their income
Armed with this information, parents should be able to work through the calculator in 10 minutes or so to get a clear idea of how much support they could be eligible for.
This chart shows how funding streams interact with each other
Please note: every case is individual and parents/carers would need to check their claims in line with their personal circumstances.
Mae PACEY Cymru wedi amlinellu isod ychydig wybodaeth a allai eich helpu chi i esbonio’r cynnig gofal plant a ariennir i rieni.
Opsiynau Gofal Plant
Mae gwybodaeth ar wefan Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer rhieni/gofalwyr ar yr opsiynau gofal plant sydd ar gael iddynt, pa fudd-daliadau y gallent eu derbyn a Chynnig Gofal Plant Cymru
Bydd rhieni yn ei chael hi’n ddefnyddiol cysylltu â’u gwasanaeth gwybodaeth i deuluoedd lleol i weld beth yw canllawiau eu hawdurdod lleol.
Mae nifer o fudd-daliadau y gallai rhieni fod â’r hawl iddynt ac amlinellir rhai ohonynt isod:
- Cynnig Gofal Plant Cymru
- Gofal plant di-dreth
- Credydau Treth
- Credyd Cynhwysol
- Talebau Gofal Plant
- Dechrau’n Deg
Cyfrifiannell Gofal Plant
Mae cyfrifiannell gofal plant y Llywodraeth yn offeryn syml i rieni wirio pa gymorth y gallent ei dderbyn gyda chostau gofal plant. Bydd angen gwybodaeth arnynt amdanynt eu hunain a’u partner (os oes ganddynt un), gan gynnwys:
- faint y maen nhw’n ei wario ar ofal plant
- unrhyw fudd-daliadau y maen nhw neu eu plentyn yn eu derbyn
- eu hincwm
Gyda’r wybodaeth hon, dylai’r rhieni fod yn gallu gweithio trwy’r cyfrifiannell mewn tua 10 munud er mwyn cael syniad clir o faint o gefnogaeth y gallent fod yn gymwys i’w derbyn.
Dengys ar y siart uwchben sut y mae ffrydiau ariannu yn rhyngweithio gyda’i gilydd
Sylwer: mae pob achos yn unigol a byddai rhieni/gofalwyr angen gwirio eu hawliadau yn unol â’u hamgylchiadau personol.
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