Dewis in Wales
About Dewis
Dewis Cymru is a website that many local authorities in Wales are using as their childcare database platform. The Family Information Service (FIS) within each local authority continues to provide a local and impartial information, guidance and support service to all childcare providers and families and some local authorities are continuing to use their individual childcare database. Contact your local FIS with any queries.
Why should you add your information to Dewis Cymru?
Lots of reasons. Dewis Cymru will make it easier for you to make information accessible to the public and to access a range of information about services that can help. Other good reasons to use Dewis Cymru include:
It's a national system funded by local authorities and their partners across Wales
It's free to use
Information is added and kept up to date by local service providers
It will remind you every six months to check their details, so you'll know they are up to date
Search for local services using words, types of service, or location
Maps and directions to help you direct people to local services
You can add information about YOUR services
You can access information about service coverage - helping you to identify gaps in provision and informing service development
Having your information on Dewis Cymru will mean that people can be directed to your service
What to do next
To add your information, you'll need to register. Go to and sign up to create your account. Once you've done this, sign in to the site and go to manage resources and add resources to add information about your services.
Can you add information about any service?
Yes. Dewis encourage people to add information about specific services that they offer. If you want to know more about how Dewis Cymru can support your work, please contact them. Their contact details can be found below. They have already worked with many local authorities, health boards and third sector organisations across Wales, so they can help you get the most from using the site.
How to contact Dewis
You can contact Dewis by using the Contact us link on their website or by emailing them at
Ynglŷn â Dewis
Mae Dewis Cymru yn wefan y mae llawer o awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru yn ei defnyddio fel llwyfan cronfa ddata gofal plant. Mae Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth i Deuluoedd (GGD) yr awdurdodau lleol yn parhau i ddarparu gwasanaeth gwybodaeth, arweiniad a chymorth lleol a diduedd i holl ddarparwyr gofal plant a theuluoedd ac y mae rhai awdurdodau lleol yn parhau i ddefnyddio eu cronfa ddata gofal plant unigol. Cysylltwch â'ch GGD lleol gydag unrhyw ymholiadau.
Pam y dylech chi ychwanegu eich gwybodaeth at Dewis Cymru?
Sawl rheswm. Bydd Dewis Cymru yn ei gwneud yn haws i chi wneud gwybodaeth yn hygyrch i’r cyhoedd ac i gael mynediad at ystod o wybodaeth am wasanaethau a all helpu. Ymhlith y rhesymau da eraill i ddefnyddio Dewis Cymru y mae:
- Mae’n system genedlaethol a ariennir gan awdurdodau lleol a’u partneriaid ar draws Cymru
- Gellir ei defnyddio am ddim
- Ychwanegir gwybodaeth a’i chadw’n gyfredol gan ddarparwyr gwasanaethau lleol
- Bydd yn eich atgoffa chi bob chwe mis i wirio eu manylion, felly byddwch chi’n gwybod eu bod yn gyfredol
- Chwiliwch am wasanaethau lleol gan ddefnyddio geiriau, mathau o wasanaeth, neu leoliad
- Mapiau a chyfarwyddiadau i’ch helpu chi i gyfeirio pobl at wasanaethau lleol
- Gallwch ychwanegu gwybodaeth am EICH gwasanaethau
- Gallwch gael mynediad at wybodaeth am ddarpariad y gwasanaeth – gan eich helpu chi i adnabod bylchau mewn darpariaeth a hysbysu datblygiad gwasanaeth
- Bydd cael eich gwybodaeth ar Dewis Cymru yn golygu y gall pobl gael eu cyfeirio at eich gwasanaeth
Beth i’w wneud nesaf
Er mwyn ychwanegu’ch gwybodaeth, bydd angen i chi gofrestru. Ewch i a chofrestru i greu’ch cyfrif. Unwaith yr ydych chi wedi gwneud hyn, mewngofnodwch i’r safle ac ewch i reoli adnoddau ac ychwanegu adnoddau i ychwanegu gwybodaeth am eich gwasanaethau.
A allwch chi ychwanegu gwybodaeth am unrhyw wasanaeth?
Gallwch. Mae Dewis yn annog pobl i ychwanegu gwybodaeth am wasanaethau penodol y maen nhw’n eu cynnig. Os ydych chi eisiau gwybod mwy am sut y gall Dewis Cymru gefnogi’ch gwaith, cysylltwch â nhw. Mae eu manylion cyswllt i’w gweld isod. Maen nhw eisoes wedi gweithio gyda nifer o awdurdodau lleol, byrddau iechyd a sefydliadau trydydd sector ar draws Cymru, er mwyn iddynt eich helpu chi i gael y gorau o ddefnyddio’r safle.
Sut i gysylltu â Dewis
Gallwch gysylltu â Dewis trwy ddefnyddio’r ddolen Cysylltu â ni ar y wefan neu trwy anfon e-bost at
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