Scales of space/ Graddfeydd o'r gwaglyn
Darllenwch hyn yn Gymraeg yma. Read this in Welsh here
The ideas and inspiration below features the practice and work of members of the project team.
For more information to help you explore and reflect further see our section on creating effective spaces.
The space behind the shed
Alison Sussex audited her space inside and out. Following the initial training she noted that she had a few unused spaces that didn't get used very much. This included an area behind the shed. She also recognised that there were very limited opportunities for solitary time.
Alison said 'I cleared out the area and put a piece of decking on the floor as there was a gap between the fence and the patio and secured it with stones. I used netting to make a roof by attaching it to the shed roof and draped it over the fence. I then put down some foam flooring, cushions and blankets. I used one blanket to create a screen at one end. I have created a welcoming area for children to sit and rest or engage in role play with others. I take in all the soft items each day to protect them from the rain.
The children absolutely love the new space. It was explored straight away and gets used regularly by everyone. One little boy loves running behind it and he gets very excited thinking no one can now see him. It’s also triggered lots of imaginative play.
I only have rainbow coloured cushion covers and blankets at present but after the first training session I have realised that more neutral colours may be more calming and possibly more suitable for the intention of the area. I will use the ones I have for now and purchase alternatives at a later date.'
Spaces for one and then two
Ruth Coakley noticed that the children in her care were creating their own activities when she introduced solitary play spaces. Children gravitated towards them and the spaces supported play in pairs and for groups of children over time. Ruth said 'I first introduced a solitary play space. I then added a screen on the following day to see if it got more attention. It definitely did! One child got the cushions themselves to add to the space and took resources in there. I added another solitary space and made a parallel play space.The children chatted together and the play was sustained for over an hour. Parents are responding in a very positive manner, saying their children are very animated about what they have been doing.'
This is demonstrating how children move from solitary to parallel play and onto associative and cooperative play. The Play/Active learning guidance in the further reading section has more on types of play.
Protecting play
Sometimes a space is needed to allow children to really focus, away from other children, especially younger ones. Amanda Calloway said, 'A three-year-old in my care was getting very upset when the younger ones ‘spoilt’ the potions he was very focussed on making. So, we set about making a space he could call his own and not get disturbed. This space was positioned at the side of the garden, away from movement flow. The arrangement of seating removed visual distraction from the rest of the garden.'
Alison used a travel cot turned on its side to make a great, instant space for children. Quick to set up and take down at the end of the day. It gives definition and feels cosy inside. A great space for inside or out.
- Do you have any unused areas that could create a small space in your setting? It’s interesting to see how small spaces affect play, group dynamics and social interaction.
- Do you consider the stage of development of children in your care when setting up your environment? Think about solitary and parallel stages especially. Try out different ideas and see what works.
- Have a look in your cupboards, garage or garden shed. What have you got that could be used differently in response to children’s needs?
- When you create a space sit in or beside it so you get to see what it feels like from the child’s perspective. This might help you identify tweaks and changes needed to make it as successful as possible.
Further reading
Play/Active Learning (Welsh Government, 2008)
Mae'r syniadau a'r ysbrydoliaeth isod yn cynnwys ymarfer a gwaith aelodau o dîm y prosiect.
Am ragor o wybodaeth i'ch helpu chi i archwilio a myfyrio ymhellach gweler ein hadran ar greu lleoedd effeithiol.
Y lle y tu ôl i'r sied
Archwiliodd Alison Sussex ei lle y tu mewn a'r tu allan. Yn dilyn yr hyfforddiant cychwynnol, nododd fod ganddi ychydig o leoedd gwag nad oeddent yn cael eu defnyddio llawer. Roedd hyn yn cynnwys ardal y tu ôl i'r sied. Roedd hi hefyd yn adnabod mai prin iawn oedd y cyfleoedd ar gyfer amser unigol.
Dywedodd Alison 'Gwnes i glirio'r ardal a rhoi darn o ddec ar y llawr gan fod bwlch rhwng y ffens a'r patio a'i sicrhau gyda cherrig. Defnyddiais rwydau i wneud to drwy ei gysylltu â tho'r sied a'i hongian dros y ffens. Yna rhoddais ychydig o loriau sbwng, clustogau a blancedi i lawr. Defnyddiais un flanced i greu sgrîn ar un pen. Rwyf wedi creu ardal groesawgar i blant eistedd a gorffwys neu gymryd rhan mewn chwarae rôl gydag eraill. Rwy'n cymryd yr holl eitemau meddal i mewn bob dydd i'w hamddiffyn rhag y glaw.
Mae'r plant wrth eu bodd â'r lle newydd. Cafodd ei archwilio ar unwaith ac mae'n cael ei ddefnyddio'n rheolaidd gan bawb. Mae un bachgen bach wrth ei fodd yn rhedeg y tu ôl iddo ac mae'n cynhyrfu'n fawr wrth feddwl na all neb ei weld nawr. Mae hefyd wedi sbarduno llawer o chwarae dychmygus.
Dim ond gorchuddion a blancedi lliw enfys sydd gen i ar hyn o bryd ond ar ôl y sesiwn hyfforddi gyntaf rydw i wedi sylweddoli y gallai lliwiau mwy niwtral fod yn fwy tawelol ac o bosib yn fwy addas ar gyfer bwriad yr ardal. Byddaf yn defnyddio'r rhai sydd gennyf ar hyn o bryd ac yn prynu dewisiadau amgen yn ddiweddarach.’
Lleoedd ar gyfer un ac yna dau
Sylwodd Ruth Coakley fod y plant yn ei gofal yn creu eu gweithgareddau eu hunain pan gyflwynodd lleoedd chwarae unigol. Roedd y plant yn cael eu tynnu tuag atynt ac roedd y lleoedd yn cefnogi chwarae mewn parau ac ar gyfer grwpiau o blant dros amser. Dywedodd Ruth 'Cyflwynais le chwarae unigol yn gyntaf. Yna, gwnes i ychwanegu sgrîn y diwrnod canlynol i weld a gafodd fwy o sylw. Gwnaeth yn bendant! Aeth un plentyn i nôl y clustogau eu hunain i’w hychwanegu at y gofod a chymryd adnoddau i mewn yno. Gwnes i ychwanegu lle unigol arall a gwneud lle chwarae cyfochrog. Bu'r plant yn sgwrsio gyda'i gilydd a chynhaliwyd y chwarae am dros awr. Mae rhieni'n ymateb mewn modd cadarnhaol iawn, gan ddweud bod eu plant wedi'u hanimeiddio'n fawr am yr hyn maen nhw wedi bod yn ei wneud.’
Mae hyn yn dangos sut mae plant yn symud o chwarae unigol i chwarae cyfochrog ac ymlaen i chwarae cysylltiol a chydweithredol. Mae gan y canllaw Chwarae/Dysgu Gweithredol yn yr adran darllen pellach ragor ar fathau o chwarae.
Diogelu chwarae
Weithiau mae angen lle i ganiatáu i blant ganolbwyntio o ddifrif, i ffwrdd oddi wrth blant eraill, yn enwedig y rhai iau. Dywedodd Amanda Calloway, ‘Roedd plentyn tair oed yn fy ngofal wedi’i siomi’n fawr pan oedd y rhai iau yn‘ difetha’ y diodydd hud yr oedd yn canolbwyntio’n fawr ar eu gwneud. Felly, aethom ati i greu lle y gallai ei alw'n eiddo ei hun heb gael ei aflonyddu. Roedd y lle hwn wrth ochr yr ardd, i ffwrdd o lif symud. Gwnaeth y trefniant o seddi dynnu sylw gweledol o weddill yr ardd.'
Defnyddiodd Alison grud teithio wedi'i droi ar ei ochr i wneud lle gwych sydyn i blant. Gellir ei sefydlu a'i dynnu i lawr ar ddiwedd y dydd yn gyflym. Mae'n diffinio’r lle ac yn teimlo'n glyd y tu mewn. Lle gwych ar gyfer y tu mewn neu'r tu allan.
- A oes gennych unrhyw ardaloedd sydd heb eu defnyddio a allai greu lle bach yn eich lleoliad? Mae'n ddiddorol gweld sut mae lleoedd bach yn effeithio ar chwarae, deinamig grŵp a rhyngweithio cymdeithasol.
- Ydych chi'n ystyried cam ddatblygiad plant yn eich gofal wrth sefydlu'ch amgylchedd? Meddyliwch am gamau unigol a chyfochrog yn arbennig. Rhowch gynnig ar wahanol syniadau i weld beth sy'n gweithio.
- Edrychwch yn eich cypyrddau, garej neu sied ardd. Beth sydd gennych chi y gellid ei ddefnyddio'n wahanol mewn ymateb i anghenion plant?
- Pan fyddwch chi'n creu lle, eisteddwch ynddo neu wrth ei ochr fel eich bod chi'n cael gweld sut deimlad yw o safbwynt y plentyn. Gallai hyn eich helpu i nodi newidiadau sydd eu hangen i'w wneud mor llwyddiannus â phosib.
Darllen pellach
Chwarae/Dysgu gweithredol (Llywodraeth Cymru, 2008)