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A selection of great ideas and links to amazing resources to help you make working as a childcare professional even more rewarding.

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An update on the budget proposals from PACEY’s Chief Executive

It’s been just over six weeks since the Chancellor presented his 2023 Spring Budget, including its many childcare and early ...

Help! What will the questions be at my Ofsted registration visit?

You’ve submitted your Ofsted application to become a Registered Childminder, waited for the call and then it happens – the ...

Creating an anti-racist Wales / Creu Cymru wrth-hiliol

The Welsh Government published their Anti-racist Wales Action Plan in 2022 that sets out the action they will take to ...

Optimum conditions for communication and language

Words are everywhere. You are looking at words right now. No doubt during the course of the day, you will ...


At such a pivotal time for the sector, we make sure we’re keeping abreast of all of the political and government new stories and policy changes to save you time.

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Welcome to our blog. Here, we bring together key influencers, practitioners and thought leaders to share their views on a wide range of subjects. Topics cover latest news and policy developments to best practice and inspirational ideas.

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