January 2017

CSSIW and update on SASS

Over the summer in 2016 all childcare and play providers in Wales were required by Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) to complete their Self Assessment of Service Statement (SASS) part one using CSSIW's new online system. CSSIW have now confirmed the plans for collection of information for the second part of the SASS and have contacted all childcare and play providers in Wales to give an update.


Staying safe online: an early years issue

Following an article calling for online and internet safety to be taught from the age of 4, it is clear that online safety is an early years issue. 


£50 million Government childcare grant scheme announced

The Government has announced details of a £50 million grant scheme to provide new childcare places, designed to support the 30-hour childcare offer in England.


Open letter calls for immediate action on GCSE requirements in England

PACEY has joined other early years organisations in calling for the GCSE requirement for English and Maths for level 3 to be scrapped and for functional skills to be reinstated in England.
