2019 News

DfE publishes annual stats on government-funded places

The Department for Education (DfE) has released its annual statistics on take-up of the early years and childcare entitlements for two-, three-, and four-year-olds, Provision for children under 5 years of age in England, January 2019. This is also known as the Early Years Census. 


Voluntary Approval Scheme Wales/Cynllun Cymeradwyo Gwirfoddol Cymru

Update on the Childcare at Home Voluntary Approval Scheme in Wales from Welsh Government

Diweddariad ar Cynllun Cymeradwyo Gwirfoddol Gofal Plant yn y Cartref yng Nghymru gan Lywodraeth Cymru


Drop in childminder numbers continues

Ofsted has published its termly statistics on childcare providers and inspections in England covering the period between 31 December 2018 and 31 March 2019. 


Camau - Welsh Language Learning/ Camau – Cynllun Dysgu Cymraeg

A new scheme to help workers in the childcare, early years and playwork sector to learn Welsh and improve their language skills has been launched. Mae cynllun newydd i helpu gweithwyr yn y sector blynyddoedd cynnar, gofal pant a chwarae i ddysgu Cymraeg a gwella’u sgiliau wedi ei lansio.


Childcare Offer in Wales Survey/ Arolwg Cynnig Gofal Plant yng Nghymru

The Childcare Offer for Wales is now available in all areas of Wales, much earlier than the original timescale for implementation of 2020. PACEY Cymru are keen to hear from childminders in Wales, whether you have signed up to deliver the Childcare Offer in your area, or not. Mae’r Cynnig Gofal Plant i Gymru bellach ar gael ledled Cymru, sef lawer yn gynt na’r amserlen wreiddiol ar gyfer ei weithredu erbyn 2020.  Mae PACEY Cymru yn awyddus i glywed gan warchodwyr plant yng Nghymru, p’un a ydych wedi cofrestru i ddarparu’r Cynnig Gofal Plant yn eich ardal chi, ai peidio.


Draft Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Code/ Cod Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol (ADY) drafft

The Minister for Education has published the summary of response report which presents the Welsh Government’s analysis of the 644 responses we received as well as the feedback from the regional stakeholder events and the engagement events with children, young people and parents.   Mae'r Gweinidog Addysg wedi cyhoeddi adroddiad yn crynhoi'r ymateb i'r ymgynghoriad. Mae'n amlinellu dadansoddiad Llywodraeth Cymru o'r 644 o ymatebion a ddaeth i law yn ogystal â'r adborth o'r digwyddiadau rhanbarthol i randdeiliaid a'r digwyddiadau ymgysylltu â phlant, pobl ifanc a rhieni.


Childcare organisations write joint letter to government

A number of childcare organisations including PACEY have come together and sent a letter urging the government to address the early years funding shortfall. 


Ofsted webinar: What the education inspection framework means for childminders

Ofsted held a webinar specifically for childminders on 10 June 2019 about what to expect from the education inspection framework (EIF) and what it means for childminders. Access the webinar now. 


Updated statistics on the use of 30 hours released

Experimental statistics on the use of 30 hours funded childcare in the sixth term of national rollout, from April to July 2019 have been published by Department for Education.


PACEY joins sector initiative to tackle excessive workload in the early years

PACEY is delighted to be involved in the Department for Education and Ofsted’s joint initiative on tackling excessive workload in the early years sector, and attended the first advisory group meeting this week. 

