2022 News

NEWS: Ofsted publishes research review into early years curriculum

Today (14 November) Ofsted published a new report looking into early years curriculum and pedagogy in England.


NEWS: IFS figures predict 8% fall in early years funding due to inflation and rising costs

A new report from the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) outlines the changes in Government spending in the early years sector over time in England and predicts a real-time cut in funding of up to 8% by 2024. 


NEWS: Claire Coutinho confirmed as Minister for Children, Families and Wellbeing in England

On 8 November Claire Coutinho MP was announced as Minister for Children, Families and Wellbeing at the Department for Education.


NEWS: Newham Early Years Conference 2023 - exclusive discount!

PACEY is delighted to support Newham’s 2023 Early Years conference with an exclusive discount for PACEY members. 


NEWS: Decline in childminder numbers in Wales/Gostyngiad yn niferoedd gwarchodwyr plant

Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) have published their Annual report for 2021-2022. This highlights the continued impact of the pandemic on the childcare and play workforce across Wales. Mae Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru (AGC) wedi cyhoeddi eu Hadroddiad Blynyddol ar gyfer 2021-2022. Mae hyn yn tynnu sylw at effaith barhaus y pandemig ar y gweithlu gofal cymdeithasol a gofal plant a chwarae ledled Cymru.



NEWS: Department for Education’s Early Years Experts and Mentors programme

Eligible settings in England can now apply to receive support through the DfE's Early Years Experts and Mentors Programme. 


NEWS: Gillian Keegan MP appointed as new Education Secretary

Yesterday (25 October) the new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak appointed Gillian Keegan MP as Secretary of State for Education at the Department for Education, replacing former education secretary Kit Malthouse.


NEWS: Join Ofsted's virtual curriculum roadshow for childminders

Ofsted is running a virtual Education Inspection Framework (EIF) curriculum roadshow specifically for childminders at 7pm on Tuesday 22 November. 


NEWS: Energy Bill Relief Scheme - Have your say

The Government is circulating a new questionnaire to non-domestic customers (i.e. private businesses) to inform the BEIS review of the Energy Bill Relief Scheme. 


NEWS: Royal Mail strikes 2022

Please be aware that there are a number of Royal Mail strikes happening between now and the end of 2022. This may impact delivery times.

