2023 News

NEWS: Education Committee publish report on support for childcare and early years inquiry (England)

Today, the Education Select Committee, which is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of the Department for Education, published a report on the inquiry it launched into support for childcare and the early years in England.


NEWS: Additional Learning Needs Consultation (Wales) / Ymgynghoriad Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol

Following the changes in Wales to the system to support children with additional learning needs over recent years, PACEY Cymru are looking to gather your views and experiences.

Yn dilyn y newidiadau yng Nghymru i’r system i gefnogi plant ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, mae PACEY Cymru eisiau casglu eich barn a’ch profiadau.


NEWS: DfE Funding Consultation: 2024-25 entitlements

The Department for Education has launched a consultation for how funding for new childcare support entitlements in 2024-25 will be distributed, to make sure it remains fair in light of the radically expanded free childcare offers. 


NEWS: EYFS Statutory Instrument laid

Today, the Department for Education, have laid a Statutory Instrument (SI) in Parliament to amend the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework (EYFS) with changes that will come into force from 4 September 2023.


NEWS: Plans for the £204 million cash boost for funded places confirmed by DfE

This morning the Department for Education have announced the funding plans for the £204 million cash boost to support the expansion of childcare places under the Government funding scheme and for some local authorities to receive universal provision to provide wraparound care in England. 


NEWS: Assessment arrangements for Wales / Trefniadau asesu Cymru

Welsh Government have published the assessment arrangements to support practitioners in funded non-maintained nursery settings.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyhoeddi trefniadau asesu i gefnogi ymarferwyr mewn lleoliadau meithrin a ariennir nas cynhelir.


NEWS: Early Childhood Play, Learning and Care in Wales/Chwarae, Dysgu a Gofal Plentyndod Cynnar

As part of the Early Childhood Play, Learning and Care approach for 0-5 year olds in Wales, a new suite of resources has been published by Welsh Government.  Fel rhan o'r dull Chwarae, Dysgu a Gofal Plentyndod Cynnar ar gyfer plant 0-5 oed yng Nghymru, cyhoeddwyd cyfres newydd o Adnoddau gan y Llywodraeth Cymru.


NEWS: Independent Review of Childminding in Wales / Adolygiad Annibynnol o Warchod Plant

The long waited Independent Review of Childminding in Wales has been published by Welsh Government today.  This includes a number of key conclusions and recommendations.  Mae’r Adolygiad Annibynnol hir ddisgwyliedig, am Warchod Plant yng Nghymru wedi’i gyhoeddi gan Lywodraeth Cymru heddiw. Mae hyn yn cynnwys nifer o gasgliadau ac argymhellion allweddol.


NEWS: Ofsted announces proposals to change the complaints and appeal process

Ofsted have announced that they are proposing changes to their current complaints and appeal process that was last changed in September 2020. The changes include: 

  1. Enhancing communication onsite- pre and during inspections.
  2. ​New opportunity for providers to contact Ofsted the day after inspection. 
  3. Streamline complaints and post inspection work with twin track approach. 
  4. Direct escalation to ICASO instead of the internal review step. 


NEWS: Universal Credit changes and EYFS Government consultation

Today the Government has announced that the proposals in the Spring 23 Budget around Universal Credit will go ahead this June and proposals to changes in the EYFS and a subsequent consultation.
