08 August 2024
Darllenwch hyn yn Gymraeg yma. Read this in Welsh here.
Eluned Morgan has been confirmed as Wales’ new First Minister and becomes the first female First Minister in Wales’ history. Eluned has served as Wales’ Health Secretary since 2021 until her appointment as First Minister.
In a statement to the Senedd Eluned said:
“It is the greatest honour of my life to stand before you as the first woman to become the First Minister of Wales. As First Minister, I promise to champion voices and experiences, which have too often been sidelined and silenced.
I hope to be defined by my unwavering commitment to the people of Wales, by my years of public service and my determination to create a fairer, greener and more prosperous nation for us all.”
A full cabinet reshuffle is expected in the Autumn.
Read the full statement
Cadarnhawyd Eluned Morgan yn Brif Weinidog newydd Cymru – y Prif Weinidog benywaidd cyntaf yn hanes y genedl. Bu Eluned yn Ysgrifennydd Iechyd Cymru ers 2021 hyd at ei phenodiad yn Brif Weinidog.
Mewn datganiad i’r Senedd dywedodd Eluned:
“Mae’n anrhydedd mwyaf fy mywyd i sefyll o’ch blaenau chi fel y fenyw gyntaf i ddod yn Brif Weinidog Cymru. Fel Prif Weinidog, dw i’n addo hyrwyddo lleisiau a phrofiadau sy’n rhy aml wedi cael eu gwthio i’r cyrion a’u tawelu.
Dw i’n gobeithio cael fy niffinio gan fy ymrwymiad diflino i bobl Cymru, gan fy mlynyddoedd o wasanaeth cyhoeddus a fy ymroddiad i greu cenedl decach, wyrddach a mwy llewyrchus i ni i gyd.”
Fe fydd yn parhau i ad-drefnu ei chabinet yn yr Hydref.
Darllenwch y datganiad llawn