Qualifications and expertise

Better qualified childcare providers deliver better quality care, so ask childcarers about the training they've done and their plans for ongoing professional development. 

Ideally, childcare professionals who work unsupervised – such as childminders, nannies and nursery leaders – should have at least a level 3 early years qualification, and all Nursery Managers must have be qualified to level 3.

In her Foundations for Quality report, Professor Cathy Nutbrown highlighted the importance of training and qualifications in fully understanding the following:

  • child development and play
  • language development
  • special educational needs and disability
  • the importance of play in children’s lives and learning
  • safeguarding and child protection
  • health and safety
  • nutrition
  • basic first aid
  • legal frameworks and obligations, such as the Equality Act
  • inclusion and diversity

The Early Years Level 3 Diploma helps childcare providers to develop the wide-ranging knowledge and skills needed for working with children.

Why choose a PACEY childcarer?

If your childcare provider is a member of the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY) you can be sure that they’ve made a commitment to their professionalism and the quality of childcare they provide.

Registered childminders, childminding assistants, registered and non-registered nannies and nursery workers are all able to join PACEY, and all benefit from a wide-ranging offer, including CPD training, practice guides, factsheets and policy briefings to help them develop as childcare professionals.