Darllenwch hyn yn Gymraeg yma. Read this in Welsh here.
Welcome to PACEY Cymru's Inspiring Environments toolkit to support the development of quality home based childcare. Developed in partnership with Elizabeth Jarman and childminders in Wales this toolkit will be of interest to anyone working in childcare who is keen to develop environments that support children's well-being, learning and development. Dig in for a collection of ideas, inspiration and tools to help new and existing childcare practitioners develop and maintain a sustainable business.
You'll find guidance, top tips, blogs, downloadable tools and other essential ideas to support you in developing the home based childcare environment you provide for children. Let us know what else you need to see - this is a developing, growing resource that's here to help you.
PACEY Cymru's Inspiring Environments toolkit was launched in a virtual event attended by members and key stakeholders in Wales.
View the launch event recording below.
Please note Welsh language translation support was available at the event however the recording only reflects the language of delivery by the presenter who was speaking.
Croeso i becyn cymorth Amgylcheddau Ysbrydoledig PACEY Cymru i gefnogi datblygiad gofal plant o ansawdd yn y cartref. Wedi'i ddatblygu mewn partneriaeth ag Elizabeth Jarman a gwarchodwyr plant yng Nghymru, bydd y pecyn cymorth hwn o ddiddordeb i unrhyw un sy'n gweithio ym maes gofal plant sy'n awyddus i ddatblygu amgylcheddau sy'n cefnogi lles, dysgu a datblygiad plant. Ewch amdani am gasgliad o syniadau, ysbrydoliaeth ac offer i helpu ymarferwyr gofal plant newydd a phresennol i ddatblygu a chynnal busnes cynaliadwy.
Byddwch yn gweld arweiniad, awgrymiadau, blogiau, offer y gellir eu lawrlwytho a syniadau hanfodol eraill i'ch cefnogi chi i ddatblygu'r amgylchedd gofal plant yn y cartref rydych chi'n ei ddarparu i blant. Gadewch i ni wybod beth arall sydd angen i chi ei weld - mae hwn yn adnodd sy'n datblygu a thyfu sydd yma i'ch helpu chi.
Lansiwyd pecyn cymorth Ysbrydoli Amgylcheddau PACEY Cymru mewn digwyddiad rhithwir a fynychwyd gan aelodau a rhanddeiliaid allweddol yng Nghymru.
Gweler recordiad o'r digwyddiad lansio yma