Webinars for Wales

Webinars for Wales / Gweminarau ar gyfer Cymru

Darllenwch hyn yn Gymraeg yma.

If you want to discuss important childcare issues in a friendly, supportive setting, sign up to one of our interactive sessions for Wales-based childcare professionals.

Our webinars are interactive training sessions led by an experienced PACEY tutor. They will guide you as part of a small group of childcare professionals, through the online session.

PACEY Cymru webinars can help you to stay in touch, keep up-to-date and continue your professional development remotely from the comfort and safety of home.

PACEY Cymru also offer a range of events to support childcare professionals who want to develop their knowledge and practice.

Here is what one recent member had to say about her webinar experience:

“My concerns for a webinar was that it wouldn’t be like a face-to-face workshop, but I have found that not to be the case. We interacted in exactly the same way with the convenience of not having to drive to a venue.” (childminder, Wales)

Upcoming webinars in Wales


February 2025

Tuesday 11 February – 6-7pm: Completing your CIW application* Book here

Thursday 13 February – 10-11am: Briefing session* Book here

Tuesday 18 February – 6.30-8pm: Completing your annual Quality of Care Review** Book here

Tuesday 25 February- 6-7pm: Starting your learning journey* Book here

March 2025

Monday 3 March – 12.30-1pm: Pre-registration Q&A* Book here

Wednesday 5 March – 6-7pm: Writing your policies & procedures* Book here

Wednesday 12 March – 6.30-7pm: Welsh Language Support**  Book here

Thursday 13 March – 6.30-7.30pm: Briefing session* Book here

Wednesday 19 March – 6-7pm: Statement of purpose* Book here

Tuesday 25 March – 6.30-8pm: Childminder Forum* Book here

Wednesday 26 March – 6-7pm: Starting your learning journey* Book here

* These webinars are free for all to attend

**These webinars are free for PACEY Practitioner members in Wales.

Taking part in a webinar

Taking part in a PACEY webinar is a great way to discuss your thoughts with others and get to ask questions of our expert tutors. Webinars run during the evening helping you fit training around your busy working day.

Each webinar you take part in goes towards your continuous professional development hours, an important part of your commitment to being a member of PACEY.

How to book

Please register in advance by clicking on the booking link above, for any further queries please call PACEY Cymru on 02920 351407. Lines are open between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. Outside these times, please send an email to paceycymru@pacey.org.uk and we’ll get back to you.

Can’t find the training you’re looking for? Take a look at our workshops and events, or do you have any ideas for future webinars? Get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.

These webinars have been specifically developed to support your practice in Wales and a list of all webinar descriptions can be found below.

Webinars from other providers


Briefing sessions

Why choose to become a registered childminder or approved nanny?

If you are passionate about giving children the best start in life and would like a career that fits in with your family commitments then becoming a registered childminder could be an ideal choice. This workshop outlines the benefits of becoming a childminder and how you can develop your skills and build a business, while supporting children and families in your local community.

This webinar will explain to you the roles of both a registered childminder and an approved nanny.

Following this webinar you will be able to:

  • Understand the registration or approval process
  • Consider whether childminding or becoming a nanny is the right career choice for you
  • Understand the next steps
Writing your policies and procedures

This is the first in our series of pre-registration support webinars. When you become a childminder in Wales, you need to register with the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW). This webinar will help you write policies for your CIW application, or review what you’ve written following registration. As a childminder, you will need to be aware of the Regulations that are there and this webinar will provide an explanation of this.

Following this webinar you will be able to:

  • Have an understanding of the relevant information required in their Policies and Procedures to childminding settings in line with CIW regulations.
  • Have an understanding of how to use the guidance to register/update your service.
Completing your CIW application

This is the third in our series of pre-registration support webinars. This webinar provides an overview of the next steps after writing your policies and procedures. We will go through the online CIW Application process and required paperwork.  This webinar will support you to use the National Minimum Standards, Regulations, and other information to answer the suitability questions.

Following this webinar you will be able to:

  • Identify the relevant information required in the CIW registration application
  • Prepare to complete your registration application using the PACEY Cymru and CIW guidance

We recommend you attend the Statement of Purpose and Writing your Policies and Procedures webinars before this.

Starting your learning journey

This webinar is for those registered to complete the Introduction to Homebased Childcare (IHC) unit with PACEY Cymru, including those who will go on to complete the Preparing for Childminding Practice (PCP). During the session we will offer tips and advice to support you to get started on your learning journey. There will be opportunities to ask questions, discuss good practice, and to take a look at what the learning platform has to offer.

Following the webinar, you will be able to:

  • Access the resources needed to start your course
  • Understand how to navigate the platform
  • Consider how to manage your time to meet your deadline
  • Understand the assessment criteria requirements
  • Know how and when to reference your work
Statement of Purpose

This is the second in our series of pre-registration support webinars. When you register as a childminder in Wales, you need to write a Statement of Purpose, a personal statement about you and your childminding services. This session will help you write your Statement of Purpose, or review it if you’ve already registered.

Following this webinar you will be able to:

  • Identify the relevant information required in their Statement of Purpose
  • Prepare their Statement of Purpose using the PACEY Cymru and CIW guidance
Pre-registration Q&A

Are you registering as a childminder in Wales? Do you have questions about your registration journey?

PACEY Cymru invite you to join our monthly Pre-registration Q&A online drop-in session. This is an opportunity for you to ask questions and seek advice. These sessions will be informal and relaxed and an opportunity to chat to the PACEY team.

Childminder Forum

Childminder Forum

PACEY Cymru invite you to book on and join our new monthly Childminder Forums. In this forum you will have the opportunity for updates, discuss queries, share good practice and on occasion hear from invited guest speakers.  We hope for these sessions to be informal and relaxed, and an opportunity to virtually connect with others.

Professional Practice (providing a quality childcare service) 

Steps to Safety - Risk assessment

 The aim of this webinar is for you to recognise the importance of risk assessment and to explore how effective risk assessments can be carried out and recorded, and how to start to complete effective risk assessment for your own settings.

Following this webinar you will be able to:

  • Describe what risk assessments are and identify the reasons why risk assessments are important
  • Consider the level of risk and actions which can be taken to minimise these
  • Consider differentiation of risk depending on children’s ages and stage of development
Preparing for Inspection

The aim of this webinar is to explore how registered childcare providers can prepare for their inspection, including opportunities to promote and evidence the quality of the setting during the process.  We will consider how using the CIW Inspection and Ratings Provider Guidance can support understanding of the ratings and improvement of quality in each theme of the Inspection Framework.

Following this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Understand CIW Inspection process and what to expect
  • Prepare for your CIW inspection
  • Identify how to evidence and promote the quality of your service
  • Understand the ratings and reflect on your practice
Completing your annual Quality of Care Review

This webinar is aimed at those of you preparing to complete your annual Quality of Care Review. It explores the benefits of self-assessment and the areas of childcare practice that you could include in your reports. Following this, you will understand how to complete your Quality of Care Review and plan priorities for improvement.

Following this webinar you will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of self-reflection
  • Reflect on areas of childcare practice in relation to the themes of the CIW Inspection Framework
  • Identify what information needs to be included in your Quality of Care Review

Here is what one recent member had to say:

Back in February I joined the Quality of Care report writing webinar and as a result changed the format of the way I write my own report. I finally had my well overdue inspection yesterday and the comment from the inspector was that my Quality of Care Report was possibly the best one she has ever seen. Most definitely worth giving up a very precious evening to attend the training.

Childcare Business Development

Growing my business - Business & Marketing

This webinar focuses on how to improve your business, providing you with support and guidance on how to operate the business side of your childcare service. You will have the opportunity to develop an understanding of the variety of factors which impact on the running and development of your service, including filling vacancies, managing finances, record keeping and reviewing policies and procedures.

Following this webinar you will be able to:

  • Explore tools and strategies in marketing your childcare business
  • Understand record keeping requirements
  • Consider the financial planning and implications of running a professional business
  • Know where to seek advice and support from others
Grant application support

The aim of this webinar is to support registered childcare providers to prepare a high quality grant application. We will consider how a grant can support your setting, the types of grants you can apply for, what to apply for and what support is available to you.

Following this webinar, you will be able to consider:

  • the grant application process
  • the information needed
  • how a grant can support your setting
  • how to prepare a successful grant application
Newly registered support

This webinar is aimed at newly registered childminders who would like support, guidance or new ideas on developing your new childminding service. We hope this will provide an opportunity for you to ask questions and connect with other newly registered childminders and share your ideas.

Welsh Language Development

Welsh Language Support

This webinar is suitable for those with little or no Welsh language skills as well for those who wish to build on their confidence to use the language.

Looking for ways to introduce Welsh language in your daily routines and activities? Each 30 minute Welsh Language Development webinar offers vocabulary based on a different theme that you can use in your daily routine. You will also receive links to further resources following the webinar, along with individual telephone and email support to help you progress further.

Following this webinar you will be able to:

  • Introduce Welsh language in everyday activities and routines on a specific theme to support children’s Welsh language development.
  • Reflect on current practice and identify sources of further training or support.

Additional Webinars from PACEY Cymru

Supporting transitions

Starting in a new setting or school can be a ‘big thing’ for a child and their family. We know that any change for a child if handled well will support their resilience and future transitions in life, therefore the more information practitioners can share with the schools or other settings the better the partnership and outcomes are for the child. This webinar will talk you through the PACEY Cymru document which has been produced to support children’s transitions when moving between settings alongside a guide for its use. You will also receive links to further resources following the webinar, along with individual telephone and email support to help you progress further.

Following this webinar you will be able to:

  • Use the PACEY Cymru Transitions Document
  • Reflect on current practice and identify sources of further training or support

PACEY Cymru can deliver Webinars on a wide range of topics, we would be happy to discuss these with you.


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