Welsh Language funding/ Cyllid y Gymraeg
Darllenwch hyn yn Gymraeg yma. Read this in Welsh here
PACEY Cymru, as a partner in the Cwlwm consortium, receives funding from Welsh Government to support the delivery of government commitments relating to expansion of Welsh medium childcare.
The aim of the funding to Cwlwm is to.
- Attract more Welsh speakers into the childcare and play workforce.
- Provide opportunities for Welsh learners and Welsh speakers within the existing workforce to improve their language skills.
- Ensure a continuous programme of professional development for Welsh speakers within the workforce.
- Support existing settings to expand into Welsh medium provision.
- Invest in new, dedicated Welsh medium settings.
As part of this funding PACEY Cymru is able to provide support for settings who are looking to register or expand to enable them to deliver bilingual or Welsh medium provision.
Eligibility for funded support
Childminder eligibility
- In relation to pre-registration support this is available to individuals who are able, with support, to achieve registration with Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) as a bilingual (English and Welsh) or Welsh medium service.
- In relation to existing childminders, support is available to PACEY members who are able, with support, to change their registration to deliver a bilingual (English and Welsh) or Welsh medium service.
Nanny eligibility
- In relation to pre-approval support this is available to individuals who are able, with support, to achieve approval with Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) and look to deliver a bilingual (English and Welsh) or Welsh medium service.
- In relation to existing nannies support is available to PACEY members who are delivering a bilingual (English and Welsh) service or Welsh medium service.
Childminder assistant eligibility
Support is available to individuals who are;
- currently working, or looking to work, in a childminding setting that is delivering a bilingual (English and Welsh) service or Welsh medium service.
- currently working, or looking to work, in a childminding setting that is working on changing the setting registration to deliver a bilingual (English and Welsh) or Welsh medium service.
Other PACEY members in Wales
- We are happy to discuss eligibility and support in relation to the aims above for other PACEY Practitioner or Practitioner Plus members in Wales.
Confirming eligibility
Given the focus on Welsh language, PACEY Cymru will need to undertake a screening process in order for funding to be approved. The screening process will be undertaken by phone and will include the following:
- Confirmation that the individual has the relevant level of Welsh language skills in order to achieve the above independently or with support
- Confirmation of commitment from the individual to meeting the above aims
Support available if eligibility requirements are met
The support available to those who meet eligibility requirements is as follows;
Childminder support
Pre-registration support
- Funding towards the cost of the units required by those looking to register with Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) as a childminder providing a bilingual or Welsh medium setting
- Regular 1-2-1 virtual support from the PACEY Cymru team
- Webinars to support with the development of provision that supports the Welsh language needs of children and their families
- Translation service for PACEY members for policies and procedures from English to Welsh. Please note this is not a quality check of your policies and procedures but purely a translation service. Subject to funding availability for those who meet the wider eligibility requirements.
- Support to achieve the Cwlwm Welsh Promise award at bronze, silver or gold level and support with their development plan and progression
Support for newly registered or existing childminders
- Translation service for PACEY members for policies and procedures from English to Welsh. Please note this is not a quality check of your policies and procedures but purely a translation service. Subject to funding availability for those who meet the wider eligibility requirements.
- Regular 1-2-1 virtual support from the PACEY Cymru team
- Webinars to support with the development of provision that supports the Welsh language needs of children and their families
- Support to achieve the Cwlwm Welsh Promise award at bronze, silver or gold level and support with their development plan and progression
‘The offer of this service from PACEY Cymru means a lot to me as a childminding business. I now feel confident in being able to offer my policies and procedures to parents bilingually. This means I am now able to advertise my business as being fully bilingual and able to provide the active offer.’ – Kate, Childminder from Conwy.
Nanny support
- Funding towards the cost of the IHC unit for those looking to gain approval with Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) as a nanny and are looking to provide a bilingual or Welsh medium service.
- 1-2-1 virtual support from the PACEY Cymru team
- Webinars to support with the development of provision that supports the Welsh language needs of children and their families
Other PACEY members in Wales
We are happy to discuss eligibility and support in relation to the aims above for other PACEY Practitioner or Practitioner Plus members in Wales.
How to access support
If you are interested in accessing this support or wish to discuss further, please contact paceycymru@pacey.org.uk with your name, email and telephone number and a member of our team will contact you.
If your Welsh language skills are not at a high enough level to be eligible for this funding other support is available to help you develop your Welsh skills and the use of Welsh in your setting. See our Spotlight on Welsh Language Development for further information.
Mae PACEY Cymru, fel partner yng nghonsortiwm Cwlwm, yn derbyn cyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru i gefnogi’r gwaith o gyflawni ymrwymiadau’r llywodraeth sy’n ymwneud ag ehangu gofal plant cyfrwng Cymraeg.
Nod y cyllid i Cwlwm yw:
- Denu mwy o siaradwyr Cymraeg i’r gweithlu gofal plant a chwarae.
- Darparu cyfleoedd i ddysgwyr a siaradwyr Cymraeg o fewn y gweithlu presennol i wella eu sgiliau iaith.
- Sicrhau rhaglen barhaus o ddatblygiad proffesiynol ar gyfer siaradwyr Cymraeg o fewn y gweithlu.
- Cefnogi lleoliadau presennol i ehangu i ddarpariaeth cyfrwng Cymraeg.
- Buddsoddi mewn lleoliadau cyfrwng Cymraeg newydd, pwrpasol.
Fel rhan o'r cyllid hwn mae PACEY Cymru yn gallu darparu cymorth i leoliadau sy'n dymuno cofrestru neu ehangu i'w galluogi i gyflwyno darpariaeth ddwyieithog neu gyfrwng Cymraeg.
Cymhwysedd ar gyfer cymorth sydd wedi'i ariannu
Cymhwysedd gwarchodwr plant
- Mewn perthynas â chymorth cyn cofrestru, mae hwn ar gael i unigolion sy’n gallu, gyda chymorth, gofrestru ag Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru (AGC) fel gwasanaeth dwyieithog (Cymraeg a Saesneg) neu gyfrwng Cymraeg.
- Mewn perthynas â gwarchodwyr plant presennol, mae cymorth ar gael i aelodau PACEY sy'n gallu, gyda chymorth, newid eu cofrestriad i ddarparu gwasanaeth dwyieithog (Cymraeg a Saesneg) neu gyfrwng Cymraeg.
Cymhwysedd nani
- Mewn perthynas â chymorth cyn cymeradwyaeth, mae hwn ar gael i unigolion sy’n gallu, gyda chymorth, gael cymeradwyaeth Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru (AGC) ac sy’n ceisio darparu gwasanaeth dwyieithog (Cymraeg a Saesneg) neu gyfrwng Cymraeg.
- Mewn perthynas â nanis presennol, mae cymorth ar gael i aelodau PACEY sy'n darparu gwasanaeth dwyieithog (Cymraeg a Saesneg) neu wasanaeth cyfrwng Cymraeg.
Cymhwysedd cynorthwyydd gwarchodwr plant
Mae cymorth ar gael i unigolion sydd;
- yn gweithio, neu'n edrych i weithio, mewn lleoliad gwarchod plant sy'n darparu gwasanaeth dwyieithog (Cymraeg a Saesneg) neu wasanaeth cyfrwng Cymraeg.
- yn gweithio, neu'n edrych i weithio, mewn lleoliad gwarchod plant sy'n gweithio ar newid cofrestriad y lleoliad i ddarparu gwasanaeth dwyieithog (Cymraeg a Saesneg) neu gyfrwng Cymraeg.
Aelodau eraill PACEY yng Nghymru
- Rydym yn hapus i drafod cymhwysedd a chymorth mewn perthynas â'r nodau uchod ar gyfer aelodau eraill o Ymarferwyr PACEY neu Ymarferydd a Mwy yng Nghymru.
Cadarnhau cymhwysedd
O ystyried y ffocws ar y Gymraeg, bydd angen i PACEY Cymru gynnal proses sgrinio er mwyn i gyllid gael ei gymeradwyo. Cynhelir y broses sgrinio dros y ffôn a bydd yn cynnwys y canlynol:
- Cadarnhad bod gan yr unigolyn y lefel berthnasol o sgiliau Cymraeg er mwyn cyflawni’r uchod yn annibynnol neu gyda chefnogaeth
- Cadarnhad o ymrwymiad yr unigolyn i fodloni'r nodau uchod
Cymorth ar gael os bodlonir gofynion cymhwysedd
Mae'r cymorth sydd ar gael i'r rhai sy'n bodloni gofynion cymhwysedd fel a ganlyn;
Cymorth gwarchodwyr plant
Cymorth Cyn Cofrestru
- Cyllid tuag at gost yr unedau sydd eu hangen ar y rhai sydd am gofrestru gydag Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru (AGC) fel gwarchodwr plant sy’n darparu lleoliad dwyieithog neu gyfrwng Cymraeg
- Cymorth rhithwir 1 i 1 rheolaidd gan dîm PACEY Cymru
- Gweminarau i gefnogi datblygiad darpariaeth sy’n cefnogi anghenion Cymraeg plant a’u teuluoedd
- Gwasanaeth cyfieithu i aelodau PACEY ar gyfer polisïau a gweithdrefnau o'r Saesneg i'r Gymraeg. Sylwch nad gwiriad ansawdd o'ch polisïau a'ch gweithdrefnau yw hwn ond gwasanaeth cyfieithu yn unig. Yn amodol ar argaeledd cyllid ar gyfer y rhai sy'n bodloni'r gofynion cymhwysedd ehangach.
- Cymorth i ennill gwobr Addewid Cymreig Cwlwm ar lefel efydd, arian neu aur a chefnogaeth gyda’u cynllun datblygu a dilyniant
Cymorth i warchodwyr plant sydd newydd gofrestru neu sydd eisoes yn bodoli
- Gwasanaeth cyfieithu i aelodau PACEY ar gyfer polisïau a gweithdrefnau o'r Saesneg i'r Gymraeg. Sylwch nad gwiriad ansawdd o'ch polisïau a'ch gweithdrefnau yw hwn ond gwasanaeth cyfieithu yn unig. Yn amodol ar argaeledd cyllid ar gyfer y rhai sy'n bodloni'r gofynion cymhwysedd ehangach.
- Cymorth rhithwir 1 i 1 rheolaidd gan dîm PACEY Cymru
- Gweminarau i gefnogi datblygiad darpariaeth sy’n cefnogi anghenion Cymraeg plant a’u teuluoedd
- Cymorth i ennill gwobr Addewid Cymreig Cwlwm ar lefel efydd, arian neu aur a chefnogaeth gyda’u cynllun datblygu a dilyniant
‘Mae cynnig y gwasanaeth hwn gan PACEY Cymru yn golygu llawer i mi fel busnes gwarchod plant. Rydw i rŵan yn teimlo’n hyderus fy mod yn gallu cynnig fy mholisïau a gweithdrefnau i rieni yn ddwyieithog. Mae hyn yn golygu fy mod bellach yn gallu hysbysebu fy musnes fel un cwbl ddwyieithog ac yn gallu darparu’r cynnig gweithredol’. – Kate, Gwarchodwr plant o Gonwy.
Cymorth i nanis
- Cyllid tuag at gost yr uned HGI ar gyfer y rhai sydd am gael cymeradwyaeth Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru (AGC) fel nani ac sy’n dymuno darparu gwasanaeth dwyieithog neu gyfrwng Cymraeg.
- Cymorth rhithwir 1 i 1 gan dîm PACEY Cymru
- Gweminarau i gefnogi datblygiad darpariaeth sy’n cefnogi anghenion Cymraeg plant a’u teuluoedd
Aelodau eraill PACEY yng Nghymru
Rydym yn hapus i drafod cymhwysedd a chymorth mewn perthynas â'r nodau uchod ar gyfer aelodau eraill o Ymarferwyr PACEY neu Ymarferydd a Mwy yng Nghymru.
Sut i gael cymorth
Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn cael mynediad at y cymorth hwn neu os hoffech drafod ymhellach, cysylltwch â paceycymru@pacey.org.uk gyda’ch enw, e-bost a rhif ffôn a bydd aelod o’n tîm yn cysylltu â chi.